Day 15

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Ella's POV

I woke up from a heavy sleep by 'pan bell', no less by Lucy and Rey.

I took off my eye mask and then looked at my nails. Boy did I need a manicure.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO WAKE ME UP AS I WAS JUST ABOUT TO CHANGE INTO..." I shouted walking out of my room catching myself.

"Ella it's not our fault that Rey's pan bell goes off at 11:30 every morning." Lucy said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I know. Meet me out at Mea in ten minutes. I have a few ideas you might want to hear." I whispered.

"Aulay Disiemo Meahnie" Lucy and I shouted through out the house.

"Shut up with the languages!" Luke screamed from his room.

"NEVER!" I screamed back on the way downstairs to get a bagel.

"Still no clearance?" Jacob asked me.

"Sorry Jayjay but as soon as I do, you'll be the first to know. Promise." I kissed him on the cheek and ran out the door.

"Where you going?"


He just laughed as I turned the corner running down the beach so he wouldn't see me.

I swam out to Mea and met the girls.

"So what's so urgent?"

"I know how we can get the boys to prank themselves. Also I called Crystalina and she has availability today."

"So what is this genius prank?" Tia asked.

"So we ask the boys if they want to meet us on Mea for a picnic but give them directions to make them lost. Whilst this is happening we can go get a manicure. I'm desperate."

"Are we in?" Lucy asked.

We each put in a hand and made an X .

"Also guys, we really need to talk about Rita's offer. Do we really want to go back to the pod? After all that we've done here in L.A?" Rey asked

"I don't know... Like I do want to so we can all be closer but I like everything the way it is here." I said

"I've never met Rita but if we do live with her, we'll probably have all the same opportunities we do here. Minus the prankwars house holding thing but still." Tia said. We all agreed she had a point.

"Hands?" Lucy asked.

"Hands." we agreed

It turns out we all ended up agreeing to sell the house once the war had ended.

We swam back to the house and dried off just as Jacob came up to me.

"How was Neverland?" He asked with his cute smirk

"Simply splendid"

The girls looked in awe because they all thought we were such a cute couple.

Jacob's POV

"Simply splendid" Ella replied to me. I liked her. Like really liked her.

The girls put together a 'scavenger hunt' picnic as a symbol of trust. They claimed to have always put this together on the halfway mark to show trust for the other team. We decided to go.

As we got to Mea, we followed their instructions. They were quite confusing yet exact.

Once or twice I slipped on twigs but nothing major happened, except for when I fell down a tunnel that lead to some weird sandy cave.

"Yo Jacob you okay?" Max yelled out.

"Yea and don't say that. It sounds ridiculous." I shouted back.

"Kay were coming down then."

"No!" I screamed but it was too late. "great now were stuck down here."

"Hey it's not that bad" Luke confirmed.

I took out my iPhone and shone it on the cave walls. It showed a small staircase. We all walked up to discover a large pool, a clock and even pillows and blankets. Okay we were not alone.

We walked around checking out the place when I came across a few scribbles in the sand. There was a star, a smiley face and even a heart. What was weird was that inside the heart were the letters E + J.

I was really scared.

"Guys were leaving. NOW!" I shouted. I never shouted.

They all looked at me scared because I'm pretty sure they've never heard that side of me before.

Once we formed a human ladder to get out of the tunnel, I texted the girls that we gave up in the picnic and were going back to the house.

We took the tinny back to the marina & walked back to the house. The girls were miraculously sitting on the couch. They laughed.

"What's do funny?" Kyle asked

"We tricked you!" Ella said.

We looked at them blankly and then they showed us their freshly done manicures. She was the best.

The boys ignored the fact we tricked them aside from me. I pulled Ella aside for a word

"Uh Ella have you gone out on Mea lately?" I asked

"No..." she said hhesitantly

"Okay it's just the boys found a pool through some tunnel on Mea and when we looked around there was a heart with an E plus a J in the sand."

"That's weird..."

"It's fine I just didn't know if you wrote it or not. Sorry if I bothered you..."

"You didn't at all Jacob. Dont be so silly. I love you."

"I love you too." I said walking away.

Ella's POV

As soon as I left Hacob I ran upstairs to find all the girls in Tia's room.

"Guys bad news. The guys kinda found the moon pool" I said our of breath.

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