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Rey's POV

"Hey Rey! Come on slowpoke were going swimming!" Lucy yelled from downstairs.

"Yea yea. Keep all fish in the tank okay Lucy?" I said while trying to eat a piece of toast.

"Haha yea now guys Ill be down on the beach. Ill see you in 5. Alright?" Ella said while putting her phone on the counter about to leave.

Lucy and I waved goodbye as she closed the patio door and then Lucy and I laughed.

"Why does she have to be soooo mature" Lucy questioned me while also immitating Ella as I ate the crust on my toast.

"Mmph- Either way she's gonna freak if we aren't down at the dock in about precisely 2 minutes and 9 seconds. Let's go" I said taking both my phone, Lucy's and Ella's and locking them in my safe. "Okay okay. I'm a prankster what can I say. Just wait for Ella to open this and a water balloon flies at her head!"

"Rey!" Lucy yelled at me as I opened the patio door.

"What now! Hurry up!" I yelled back.

"Oh never mind"

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go! Wooooooo" I screamed running out the door.

"Haha Rey NOT FUNNY!" Lucy said running after me. I decided to cloak myself because why not. We couldn't see invisible things unless we were invisible ourselves so I decided to get a head start.

I ran towards the beach and started to change paths going closer to Ella who seemed to be talking to five boys. And why. I don't know so I decided to eavesdrop.

"Uh I'm sorry have we met? My two best friends and I are the best pranksters in California. You do not stand a chance." Ella sassed. Ooh! I like this new Ella.

"Oh really I'd like to see you prove that." One of them said.

I decided it would be best to mind message Ella instead so I sent the following.
"Hey E I'm right behind you don't freak out because I'm cloaked. And who are these and why do they think they are calling the,selves better pranksters than us? There has never been a rule against no mermaid has there?".

Ella turned around and looked at me. "Uh these are Chase in red, Jacob in black graphic tee, Kyle in blue, Luke in Orange and Max wearing no shirt at all. They're from somewhere near Vegas and they think they rule at pranks. I have a feeling that this will end badly for them. Hey they haven't experienced mermaid magic pranks!"

"Hahahaha okay well um now Lucy is beside me also cloaked. What do you say we challenge them to a prank war? You in Luce?" I asked

"Hell yea!" Was the answer.

Lucy messaged Ella telling her to meet us at Mea and we ran off into the ocean.

Ella's POV

After I left Rey and Lucy, I walked down to the beach to see five boys laughing about something. Curious as always I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"And remember that time we faked Chase's death and all the people from the hotel came running out? That was sick! I swear we are the kings of pranks!"

Not paying attention to where I was walking, I bumped into some shirtless guy.

"Oh sorry" I said trying to avoid his grasp and run to the dock.

What Lies Ahead [Mako Mermaids]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang