Day Thirteen

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Rey's POV

I woke up with the evilest of evil grins on my face. Day thirteen of the prankwars had finally come upon us. The girls and I have a tradition that on the thirteenth day of the prank war we would trap our opponents in a locked room and pull a series of thirteen evil pranks on them.

As I walked downstairs, I was however greeted by five disturbing water guns. I literally ran out the back door as they all followed me. I had about five seconds until I changed so I decided to do a back flip into the water cloaking myself mid flip.

"What the heck?!" They all screamed. As a little form of payback, I decided to create a little rain cloud above each if their heads soaking them all.

I swam up and down the beach once until I went back to dry off hoping they weren't waiting for me. and thankfully they weren't. I walked in to see all my mer friends waiting for me. They were quite mad when they seen me but the words 'water guns' made them instantly understand. They ushered me into the closet to start the thirteen pranks.

I always started it by using the control panel to turn off everything in the house. We freezes the fridge to save our food but that was it. We cut them off.

They all ran into the closet after me and sat on the shelf. We cloaked ourselves and lit a candle.

"GUYS!" Jacob screamed.

We had five chairs set up. Jacob was the first to walk in. Weilan grabbed him and blindfolded him. She then pushed him down into a chair and tied his feet and hands together. As she did for each of the others.

Using our powers, we turned the laundry room into an ice box.

"Guys what us going on?" Max asked but all the reply was, was the chattering of teeth.

We then melted the ice box and turned it into a sauna. We even lit one of brooms on fire and manipulated it to sweep over their heads. Multiple times.

By this point they had soaked shirts and slightly crisped hair. For Chase it was unfortunate what was to happen next.

We let the Mako squad pull this prank because when we described it the other day they really enjoyed it.

They each took a pair of cloaked scissors and went behind one of the boys. Tia then took a white coat and goggles and put them on. She turned around to face the boys slowly.

"CUT!" She screamed causing each Mako to cut their hair. Chase however lost his very... interesting man bun.

The girls then sprinkled their hair on top of them causing then to freak out. Four out of thirteen complete.

The next few were simple. We spilled detergent all over them and heated it causing to become a taffy like material, then threw stage poppers on the inside of their chairs. They struggled to escape yet were immobilized. We used an old projector to cast an old video from when we all lived in Australia.

"Ahh so who do we have here? Well then I see the thirteen hasn't been paying you a favour." little Rey said

"I bet that you don't recognize us do you. Well you do know us, just not fully. You see, we have many, many advantages over regular people like you." the little Ella said

"Oh why yes. Now sit tight. I don't even think we're even halfway done with you." The little Lucy added

The little Rey, Ella and Lucy laughed.

"What's next I wonder?" Little Rey asked.

"You'll never see it coming" Little Ella and Lucy said pointing at the camera.

We then took buckets filled with vibrant hair dye and dumped it on their heads.

"Whoops!" the littles said.

"We'll always be there. Wether you see us or not. In your dreams. On land. In the ocean. Most likely in your worst nightmares." I said. They turned around to look at me but seen nothing.

"We'll be back. When you were wishing you never started this war." The littles said before cloaking themselves and stopping the video.

We put a droplet of water on the floor where they all could see it and made it climb up the wall. It made different horrifying pictures and then made an arrow pointing to Weilan who was being held by the cloaked Ondina and Mimmi. She held both a knife and my Harley bat.

She was lifted straight up and started going towards them.

"Hmm. Which shall I use first?" she said looking at both options. She then took the knife and chucked it at the wall. It stuck like glue.

They all screamed. We kept the next few pranks quite basic. The classic egg catapult, Shaving cream in the face, cinnamon challenge (our way of course) and our very own lime fudge taste testing. (Which was always gross)

We then turned on the last of the video before doing our last prank of the day. I checked my watch while I was on my way to unlock the panel as electricity was required. Wow it's 7:53. We've been in here for such a long time.

I listened to the video as I was unfreezing the lock.

"Ah so we meet again I see" the littles said.

"I can't believe the thirteen is almost over." Rey said

"Ah but we would like to offer a gift first. Your electricity back" Lucy said

I flicked on the electricity.

"Now. I think we should probably introduce ourselves don't you think girls?"

The littles nodded.

"My name is Reyli Cassiopea Hartling. Otherwise known as Rey." Little Rey said

"I am Elladorna Pearl Katsopolina. Otherwise known as Ella," Little Ella introduced

"And you've probably guessed by now but I'm Lucidiana Faith Coralina."

"And now as a celebration to the end of the thirteen. What we at Mako would like to call, meian'i pol a dura"

Once the littles said the Hawaiian spell code, we squirted hair gel mixed with glitter ontop of them and took alit of flash pictures.

"As we would say at mako, 'BUENAI YEI LANI TRIESIEMO!" We all chorused with the video then ran out of the laundry room on our way to Mea. This deserves a victory swim.

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