Day 27

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Lucy's POV

I woke up early this morning to finish packing my suitcase. I laid out the outfits I would wear for the next three days and would pack as they were dirty. It's still hard to believe that Luke saw my tail but I decided to roll with the punches.

Nothing was really planned for today so we were just going to wing it. And then there was a knock on my door.

I opened it to find Luke standing holding a small present.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

I opened the door and we sat down on the bed.

"I figured since I wouldn't get to see you I would get you something to remember me by." He said passing me the bag.

I smiled at him. "you really shouldn't have Luke." I complained.

"But I did because I love you." he said as I opened a box filled with sapphire earrings that resembled the ocean. "I know how much you're going to miss the surf here so I sent my friend some salt water from here and he crafted it into the earrings. Don't ask me how though, he was way too confusing."

"Luke they're perfect. I love it." I hugged him. Then it turned into a long romantic kiss.

"Ahem!" Rey said watching us.

"Rey! what are you doing here?" I asked trying to recover myself,

"Just watching how cute you are." we looked at eachother. "kidding! but you are seriously couple goals. Mind if I steal Lucy for a minute?"

"She's all yours for the next sixty seconds" he said giving the thumbs up.

She pulled my outside and shut the door. Then she dragged me to the locked room at the end of the hall that we almost never went into unless absolute necessary. Tia and Ella were already there.

"Guys we have a serious issue. The guys are onto us. We can't let them know our secret just yet or we won't even have time to say giodbye. It'll be the Miss Chatam story that's been passed down for generations." Rey confessed.

"Okay so what's the plan?"

"I don't know? Any bright ones ladies?"

We all shook our heads then decided to call the only person we knew capable of pranks. Mimmi.

"Guys! It's been so long! Where are you?"

"The finally empty storage room. The moving people came today and they took most of our things. Like what was in here. They're getting the rest the day we leave so expect a shipment for us within the next 3-5 days!" Ella said

"Oh so what do you need?"

"We need you. You're the only one who we know capable of the most genius mermaid pranks ever." Rey confessed

"Awe that's so sweet but yyou're going to have to hold tight for a second while I grab my prank book. So were on the 26 day?" she asked

"Nope the 27th"

"Okay so in my plan book number twenty seven is to... hog tie them up and make them beg for mercy. oh whoops that's twenty six. It's actually just to take special contact glue that only dries when in contact with something. So say I put it on my finger, it would dry on the side attached to me but would be liquid on the other. Until you touch it that is. Its a special chemical reaction." (A/N: I'm 99% sure contact glue doesn't exist and if it does I was not aware.)

"Cool. I can text my cousin and see if she knows anything about it. " Tia said pulling out her phone.

"Can't we vote? I've always wanted I tie a hog!" Lucy said with a huge smile on her face. We all laughed then said goodbye to Mimmi.

"Finally Adri texted back! She said that to create a contact glue, you mist combine the following chemicals and products." I don't know what any of these are. Do any of you?" Tia sighed

"Sorry I don't know chemistry that well." Rey said

"I'll just ask her if she can make us some and drop it off tonight."

It took Adri a long time to reply as she was apparently stuck holding a Spider but she survived. She was going to drop it off tonight. Perfect.

We all dispersed back to what we were doing, which for me was Luke.

"Hey." I said sheepishly as I walked in.

"Took you long enough."

"Sorry. Tia kinda got really sick because she tried to straighten that hair of hers. Didn't happen." We laughed at my lie which I have to say was quite funny.

"Okay so I need an honest answer. Are you hiding anything from me because I don't cope we'll when other people hide stuff from me."

I've dreaded the thought of this question since I don't know how long.

"Well I can't tell you because it's very top secret. It would have to go through a lot of approvals which aren't the easiest to get in the biz but we've all been working on it."

"Are you sure."

"Yeah. 100 percent. And we've agreed if you don't get approval, were just going I tell you right before we leave."

"You're going to visit me though."

"Yeah if I can manage it through my busy schedule."

"Cool." He said hugging me. I feel semi relieved to tell him the half truth but then again I hate lying. He walked out of my room and I decided I didn't want to do anything today. That was until Adri came with her friends.

"Hey Adri it's nice to see you again. And your friends too." I said opening the door.

"As to you too! This is McKeyla, Ember, Bryden and Camryn. And this is McKeyla's mom. Mrs. McCallister. Boy that felt wierd." Adri said introducing her friends to us. Tia and Adri embraced for the longest amount of time I've seen that treehugger hug.

"Uh do you have a private place we could maybe talk?" Mrs. McCallister asked.

"Oh um yeah. This way" Rey lead the way to our storage closet. It was a bit cosier with everyone stuffed in there but we made it work.

"Okay girls. Adri has told is so much about Tia and her friends so we did some research and found your records. You are all extremely smart." Mrs McCallister said. We thanks her for being so kind

"I am the head of a top secret organization for females all over the world who want to make a change. We call ourselves NOV-8. It is a sisterhood and we are currently looking for agents interested in working in the Australia area. What do you say?"

"Us? Seriously!? That would be amazing" We all exclaimed.

We all smiled.

"Call me the Quail." she said.

"Oh that's much better!" Adri and Bryden admitted.

We left the storage closet after finnishing the NOV8 discussion and talked about moving. I swear we straight up talked for two hours.

Unfortunately the boys were in a very bad mood because they kept running around the house with gardening tools in their hands. Though we didn't garden so I am very unsure of where these came from.

"Uh here's your contact glue Tia. I made lots just incase." Adri said handing Tia the bag filled.

We said our thanks and goodbyes until it was finally time to get to work.

Tia and I were going in. We cloaked and waited for the boys to come out. Ella and Rey were the distraction so it was all safe to go in. We took all their toothbrushes and hair mousse and coated it with the glue.

We nodded and walked out.

"All good and in contact!" Tia mindmessaged them.

"That was actually really bad. Never do a pun like that again please." Rey mindmessaged back.

We all went downstairs to enjoy an episode of Friends before going to bed. It was perfect, the episode ended and screams of horror filled the house.

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