Chapter 13: The Truth of the Matter

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"We have no choice but to attempt an exorcism. I've been completely unable to find a concrete method of releasing Kanon from me." Koujo Lin stated bluntly into the cell phone situated beside his ear.

Naru sighed on the other end. "I'm assuming that you've at least discovered the spirit's identity? I trust that I don't need to remind you that it's near impossible for you to exercise a spirit without knowing who they were before death."

"I know all too well who Kanon was in life - that's also how I know that I need to be the one who ends him. These attacks weren't random. He premeditated everything he's done - he admitted that much to me during our encounter at the hospital. However I think that I've also come to the correct conclusion of why he feels that his actions against me are justified. I was ignorant of the situation and did not attempt to look for any information that was not easily obtainable. My reluctance to see the truth only made this charade more personal to Kanon." Lin responded darkly as an image of Madoka's smiling face popped into his head, tormenting him and making him angry, but most of all forcing him to realize that his lack of caution had caused him to completely fail her.

"What makes this personal to him?" Naru asked.

Lin stiffened. He was not emotionally prepared to explain to Oliver what he had just barely come to understand - and accept himself. "I'd rather keep the specific details private if that's alright with you. However I'll leave you with a piece of wisdom: the bonds of friendship should remain strong enough to transcend the passage of time, as well as the possible death of either person involved. If your friend moves away, or in my particular case, passes on, honor them by never forgetting the friendship you shared with them. It dishonors their memory to pretend that they never existed at all, or to deny the pain that their absence causes you. That pain is proof that they were real and mattered to you. That's something that most people don't want to forget - that they had someone who cared about them. I was a damned fool to ignore what shouldn't have had to be pointed out to me."

Naru was silent on the other end. Lin realized that his mind had probably wandered to the darkest place it could go - to the memory of Gene's death. The car hitting him - that time supposedly on accident, and then the second time to ensure that he was in fact dead. Then the yellow rug, wrapped tightly around his body with the hope that it would cause his mangled remains to sink after they were discarded in a lake. All of this occurring while Naru stood in their bedroom, one of Gene's t-shirts clutched in his hand as he was forced to see as well as feel every bit of pain the person closest to him was subjected to before he was finally, mercifully put out of his misery.

Lin knew how much Gene's death had charged Naru. Losing Shun had done very similar damage to his own emotional state. Though both of them were suffering silently through their own pain filled battles, they needed to stay strong throughout this ordeal before Kanon stuck again and claimed someone else's life.

"Oliver, are you still there?" he asked carefully. At first there was no answer, though after another moment of silence on the other line, Naru coughed.

"Yes, I'm here. I'm sorry, I lost my concentration for a moment. Based on what you've told me, I've realized that you'll most likely have your work more than cut out for you when dealing with this situation. You'll probably need assistance in resolving the issue. You can expect to see the rest of SPR's team and myself in China within a few hours."

Lin nodded though he knew that Naru couldn't see him. "I'd appreciate that. I'm not positive if we'll be able to figure out how to defeat him before he gets frustrated with waiting, but its worth a try. Plus, we don't have any other options left."

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