Chapter 5: Sleeping on the Job

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It was 10:30 a.m. Koujo Lin and his charge Naru, along with co-worker Mai were preparing to leave the Creston hotel and head back to Shibuya Psychic Research building, Their plan was to meet with the rest of the Irregulars of SPR's main paranormal investigative team. Oliver had called them earlier that morning on the claim that he had come across a serious case. He'd hadn't spared the details of Lifen's disappearance, or his his encounter upon tasting the water in the tap. However, he had not included the information regarding Lin's look alike, believing it better for the Irregulars to hear it from the Onmyouji himself. Though he had conveyed some of the dangers of the case to his team, and made absolutely certain that they knew that the situation was urgent, and he needed to meet with them all as soon as possible.

Despite the abruptness of the summoning, each of the Irregulars had agreed to to heed Naru's request of meeting, albeit with irritated complaints from Ayako about how "Her beauty could not be rushed." On another note, Madoka would be flying in from England later on in the day, and was expecting Lin to pick her up from the airport once her flight arrived.

The tall, dark eyed man had no qualms with heading out to retrieve the pinkette; in actuality, he would prefer being around the sweet Madoka rather than the bickering Monk and Ayako, the prankster Yasuhara, or the moody Masako. Now that he thought about it, it seemed that John was the only one of the Irregulars other than the aforementioned Madoka that Lin could bear being around for prolonged periods of time.

However, the stoic Onmyouji was also full aware of much of a handful that Madoka could be; she, with her carefree attitude, seemed to be immune to the fear often associated with her line of work. She seemed to dissociate herself from the fact that her life could be in jeopardy every time she entered the field of investigating a case linked to paranormal phenomenon.

Though once everything was said and done, the pinkette still had some type of expertise that could prove useful to saving Lifen, and handling the look alike of Lin. The twenty-seven year old wasn't stubborn enough to deny that they knew next to no facts regarding their current case. Any help offered should be taken, as well as appreciated.

"Lin, Mai and I are ready to leave," A voice announced suddenly. Koujo turned towards the voice, and was met with the blue gaze of Noll, who was holding his cellphone in his right hand, "Monk and the rest of the lot should be arriving at the SPR building any moment now." Nodding his understanding, the stoic bodyguard slipped the card key to the hotel room out of his black pants pocket.

"In that case, we shall depart shortly," He replied in response to his charge's earlier admission. Gesturing with his hand towards the door, Lin made his way towards it with the two teenagers in his company trudging along behind him. As they walked, Oliver changed his pace to match that of his bodyguard's, while Mai stayed behind, a dreary look on her face. Lin assumed that she was worried about what he had told her in the bathroom earlier that morning.

Sighing, the Onmyouji turned his head towards his charge and asked him a question that suddenly sprang to his mind- in the chaos of the day before, he had forgotten to inquire for the answer.

"Noll, what was it that saw in your psychometric vision?" Naru stiffened at the question, before relaxing his tensed shoulders and walking ahead of Lin. After a moment, he glanced back over his shoulder, an odd look in his blue eyes.

"I didn't see anything. But I felt; pain and anger, more overwhelming then anything I've ever experienced. It was...disorienting, to say the least," The paranormal researcher paused, then sighed before speaking again. "I can't explain it, but the intensity of those emotions was unreal."

Koujo, not knowing exactly how to respond to this admission, simply nodded his head in understanding before continuing his walk towards the main lobby of the hotel. Several seconds passed before Naru spoke again.

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