Chapter 6: Making Connections

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Darkness; impenetrable and concealing surrounded the tall figure perching on the roof of the Shibuya Psychic Research building. The figure had a purpose for being there, and oh what a grand purpose it was. The figure, who was distinctly male, identified himself as Kanon- an alias of course, and a flimsily chosen one at that, but it was enough to make him at least appear human.

Kanon had been spying- no stalking his prey for hours- studying their behaviors and habits with a trained eye. He had only saw two of them for a long while, however. The third had not returned to the research building until rather late, after the rest of the people in the building had already fallen asleep.

This had not been an inconvenience to Kanon, for he had learned much about the two men that he had spent several hours watching. Not that knowing his prey would come in handy for this particular killing. In fact, the three men- including the man who had not long since gotten to the research building, were simply technicalities in Kanon's master objective.

His true prey was not present at the research building. His current residence was at the hospital; where he had been taken to recover from his injuries after being in an 'accidental' car crash. His name was Lin-Lin Koujo to be precise. The name caused a vile taste in Kanon's mouth, and he grimaced in irritation.

He wanted the world to be rid of the likes of Lin Koujo. As much as he detested all of the cowardly individuals in the class of spiritualist that Lin identified himself as part of, the injured Onmyodo himself was Kanon's primary target.

Kanon had for years wanted nothing more than to utterly destroy Lin. However, he had never known what was most important to the Onmyouji, who's adeptness in being stoic make him rather difficult to read. But now, Kanon knew that Lin did not have a single most important thing to him, because in reality, what Lin cared about the most was a collection of people, not simply a single mortal.

This truth made Kanon's job all the more fun; he had more time to draw out Lin's torture. He had the utterly irresistible opportunity to prolong Lin's suffering more than he had ever hoped to have the power to do. He could slowly, methodically, harm or even kill everyone that the Onmyouji had ever interacted with. By doing so, he could quite literally break the black-haired man's mind.

And then, after he had his fill of emotionally and physically torturing Lin to the point of collapse from a mental breakdown, Kanon would strike the final blow. He would mercifully end the life of Koujo Lin.

Kanon's mouth turned upwards at the corners. His lips opened into a wide, sadistic looking grin, accentuated by rows of snow white fangs. Kanon laughed dementedly. He could hardly wait to carry out his grand plan.

He reveled in the fact that Lin would know complete despair soon enough.. But for now, he had to start with the three men in Shibuya Psychic Research. They were siblings of Lin's; the three that had been left alone when they're only sister had been kidnapped.

The kidnapping had been Kanon's doing- the first step forward in his plan. He had realized in past observations of Lin that he seemed to have a close relationship with his sister. He had hoped that the act would send Lin into a spiral of depression- maybe even one severe enough for Lin to attempt to take his own life.

No such luck. The damned Onmyouji had not taken his own life, and had not spiraled out of control. Though he seemed to very much be worried for his sister's safety, he had retained his sanity throughout the ordeal.

No matter; Kanon had many, many more tricks up his sleeve, and he was excited to use his entire reservoir of tools whose purpose was to thoroughly torture Lin in as many ways possible.

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