Chapter 3: Repercussions

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The situation centering around Lifen had become dire indeed if anything that her older brother, Koujo Lin, had saw in his 'dreams', was to be trusted. The aforementioned Onmyouji had not moved from his position on the hotel bed where he had previously fallen asleep. His heart still beat furiously from within his chest cavity, and his breath still came out in ragged pants. His hands had stopped shaking some, however, there was still a slight tremor as the shock began to abate. In all honesty, he was terrified that what he had just seen was true. Was he the cause of this mess? Lin didn't know for certain, and truth be told, he'd rather not have to find out if he was somehow linked. Thankfully, a voice tore him out of his reverie.

"Bad dream?" The question came from Lin's left, and hung in the air for a moment. It was Noll, who had apparently awoken from his earlier excursion.

"More or less," Lin replied, turning his head and casting a glance in his charge's direction. Oliver's face appeared paler than usual in the dimness of the room, and his blue eyes were partially closed, his hand was placed loosely on his stomach; the teenager didn't look well at all to his stoic guardian.

"Oliver, you look like you aren't feeling particularly well," he said offhandedly, though the concern was evident in his expression. Noll's eyes popped open, and he lifted them up to meet his bodyguard's gaze, as if pondering the question directed at him carefully.

"I feel slightly sick to my stomach- nothing unusual. It often happens when I use my PK. As I don't remember coming into this hotel, I assume that I lost consciousness as well?" He asked, closing his eyes again. Lin's mind replayed the events of the night before, and his expression turned down into a slight scowl.

"Yes, you did. About that-" The Onmyodo began, but was cut off by a dark sigh from his charge.

"I know," Naru said, the two words spoken in a low, clipped sounding tone. Lin's gray eyes narrowed to slits; his patience seemed to have been sapped after the dream that he had just had- he was suppressing the shock of it, and it was making him wary. He did not have the sense of calm that he normally needed when dealing with Oliver.

"If you know what I'm going to say, then why the hell did you use your psychometry? What kind of logic did you apply when you decided that it would be a good idea to do something that you knew could injure you, or worse yet, kill you?" he asked, surprised with the obvious anger that could be heard in his voice. Naru raised an eyebrow, expressing his own shock that Lin had actually gotten sharp with him- he was used to the familiar scolding after he did something that his bodyguard did not approve of, however, he had never heard his assistant take on such a harsh tone.

"I wanted to know what Mai had saw- Believe it or not, I have had times when using my PK didn't leave me in an unconscious state. I did not realize that doing so this time would cause that reaction in my body," Naru replied, clutching his stomach tighter as the sense nausea he was feeling intensified. Noticing the action, Lin stared at his charge and shook his head in disapproval.

"Fine, we can talk about this later- it appears as though you could use more time to recuperate, and I could use some more rest myself," The Onmyodo stated, his gray gaze meeting Naru's blue one. The narcissist's eyes become wide, and his features more pale. He stood up from his bed unexpectedly, before making his way towards the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind him.

Lin sighed as a memory of a time early in Oliver's training of learning Quigong, when he had accidentally used his PK, and vomited right as Luella had walked into the living room. The motherly onslaught had been epic, as she had not understood what had been ailing her son. The Onmyouji was just grateful that Oliver was old enough to realize that he was going to be sick, and quick enough to get to the bathroom this time- he did not want to have to be the one who had to call Martin to give him the bill for the carpet cleaners.

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