Chapter 11: Burying Regrets

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A calm breeze blew through the air of Hong Kong as a black SUV moved down a dirt road. Draidyan Lin sat in the driver's side, carefully maneuvering the vehicle down the path. Lukida sat in the passenger side, lightly drumming his fingers against the dash in tune to the song that was playing on the radio.

In the backseat, Lifen, Madoka and Lin sat in tight quarters. The Onmyouji had his head propped up against the window. His eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow - he'd fallen asleep not long after they had left the airport in the car that Drai had rented.

This was the first restful sleep that Lin had gotten since the ordeal with Kanon had started. Truth be told, he needed the extra sleep - he would have a stressful experience the next day. They were having his Dajun's funeral.

It had been three weeks since he had been murdered. His organs had been removed and donated to Nazuke a week before. The surgery had gone well - Nazuke was expected to make a full recovery, though he hadn't been healthy enough to make the journey home for the funeral.

After a few moments of driving in silence, Draidyan pulled the car into a familiar driveway. They'd arrived home after a several hour long trip. Draidyan met Madoka's gaze in the rearview mirror. "This is home. Welcome to your first stay in China - I wish I could say that in more pleasant circumstances, but you do your best with the cards that life deals you." he said, offering a slight smile.

Madoka smiled back before turning towards Lin so that she could wake him up. To her surprise, his eyes were already open. He was staring at the seat in front of him with a seemingly confused expression on his face.

Madoka gently laid her hand on his shoulder - he didn't look at her or even move a muscle. Madoka worriedly looked at the two oldest Lin brothers in the front seat. Lukida saw her expression and chuckled. "He's fine, just struggling to wake up completely. He rarely sleeps restfully - he was diagnosed with chronic insomnia when he was less than ten. So every time Koujo sleeps considerably well, he has a difficult time waking up and staying awake. He's fighting sleep right now when his body actually needs more time to recuperate. He should be fine in a moment and if not, Drai and I will haul him to bed." Lukida reached his arm into the back seat and hit his younger brother on the leg.

Lin grabbed his wrist and twisted it in irritation. "I'm. Awake." He enunciated slowly for effect before releasing Lukida's arm. Lifen let out a frustrated sigh.

"We haven't been home for five minutes and you two are already fighting? Seriously, can't you wait a few hours at least?" She demanded, glaring at both of the offending brothers in turn. Neither of them said a word, both shocked at their sister's sudden outburst. "You're grown men - don't you think it's a good time to act like it?"

Draidyan met her gaze in the mirror, his expression grim. "Princess, they weren't fighting, or really even arguing. You know how we are - if they were truly fighting, one of them would be on the ground bleeding."

Lifen wasn't amused in the least by Draidyan's honest reply. "I don't care if they were seriously fighting. It's not a good time to get mad at each other. We're going to be burying dad tomorrow - Mom will need our support." Tears were glistening in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall; she'd cried enough already.

Realizing that they'd unintentionally upset Lifen badly enough where she could cry, Lukida and Lin locked gazes. Lin held his hand out to Lukida who grabbed it and squeezed tightly.

"I'm sorry." both said in unison. Lifen nodded at them in approval as she wiped away the last of her unspilled tears.

"Thank you." she said, her voice wavering with her emotions.

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