Chapter 9: Making Amends

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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. The sound of water surrounded Lin as he slowly regained consciousness. It became apparent as soon as he opened his eyes that he was no longer in the hospital.

Even with the lights off and blinds closed, the room wasn't this dark. This was... unnerving, almost poisonous in appearance darkness. It encompassed the entire area. Lin could not see where he was, in the least.

He projected his senses outwards, trying to get an idea of his location. He could hear breathing nearby, so wherever he was, he wasn't completely alone.

The thought didn't bring him much comfort. He couldn't see who the other person or persons, were.

In a scenario like this, anything unknown was a possible threat. Especially when he didn't know how he had ended up there.

Thinking back, Lin remembered the altercation at the hospital and cringed. Of course him ending up in this unfamiliar place had something to do with that damned shiki.

All of the sudden, the area became illuminated by a bright glow. Lin flinched at the sudden intrusive light that made the headache that had not went away begin becoming even more prominent. When he opened his eyes, he realized he was once again face to face with the shiki.

He had literally appeared out of nowhere. There was a sadistic smile plastered on his face. Lin resisted the instinctual urge to back up using every fiber of his willpower.

"I told you Lin, you're a fool. I was going to let you go until I was ready to play, but you used that stupid sense of heroics to try and take me down when my back was turned. I don't appreciate your cowardice- in fact, I'm going to have to punish you for it,"

Lin shook his head. "It wasn't cowardice. It was pure instinct to attack you- I saw a possible advantage and took it. Its not as though you wouldn't have done the same," Lin muttered defensively.

Kanon simply rolled his blue eyes. "That's another difference between you and I, it seems. I don't rely on my so called 'instincts' to dictate my movements- everything I do is premeditated to ensure that I won't fail as you did,"

A dark smile crossed his features. "I premeditated what I'm about to do as well...I've prepared this example to prove to you that you're life will never be the same,"

Lin shivered involuntarily in the cold air of the cave. Kanon's smile became a bit bigger as he took a step back from Lin.

"I'm surprised you're not bombarding me with questions- I'm well aware that you have no idea where you are, or how you got there for that matter. I'm also surprised that you haven't asked about your female friend's fate. Did I hit you on the head hard enough for you to forget her, or was that just your natural tendency not to care about those around you kicking in?"

Lin shook his head. "No. I was intentionally not asking about Madoka. I figured you'd use her to torment me, so I refused to be the one to bring attention to her," Lin clenched his teeth together in anger. He couldn't stand the arrogant air that exuded from Kanon. The shiki knew that Lin was powerless in this scenario.

Kanon raised a surprised eyebrow. "Mhm, I see. Well you have to look no further than directly behind you to find her. I left her in one piece- don't worry. In fact, she should be waking up in a few minutes, unless she received some sort of brain damage when I blew her into the wall. If that's the case, I guess the only thing I can say is..sorry for your loss,"

With that comment, Kanon walked away from Lin. Lin watched furiously as the black haired shiki moved towards a figure lying on the ground several feet away. Lin hadn't noticed it before, but now that he did, he realized that it had to be a person.

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