Chapter 1: Migraines

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Koujo Lin absolutely abhorred headaches. They were distracting, annoying, and downright painful. They prevented him from performing as efficiently as he needed to in his line of work. That was something unforgivable as the bodyguard and assistant of Oliver Davis. He needed to be at the top of his game at all times, he always had to be able to detect trouble, and always had to know whether or not circumstances held any sort of danger for his charge. These detestable things called 'headaches' made it difficult for him to concentrate, let alone keep a trained eye on their surroundings.

He knew exactly why he got these sharp pains in his skull, and also knew that he could do nothing about them. They were linked to his third eye; his right eye, the one always dutifully covered by the lock of black fringe positioned over it like a veil. His right eye was blind to the type of light that his left eye could see; visual light, although it was not blind to other sorts of light. He had something called 'Electromagnetic Vision', he could see things that others could not, radio waves, electromagnetic waves, and other sources of light. He got headaches because humans were not meant to be able to see the otherwise unseen. His mind couldn't process what his right eye was detecting so the headaches were it's way of trying to force the information to leave it's vicinity.

This made the headaches more intense, as Lin could not easily forget what information he had seen, when he saw the same things every time he glanced at something using his covered eye. It was a constant fight between human anatomy and his powers as a psychic. Most of the time it seemed that his anatomy would win out.

Lin had a headache now, or more like a migraine, as it was proving to be more painful than the others that he'd experienced as of late. He'd been staring at the monitor of his laptop for several minutes, trying to make sense of the words that he typed on the word document regarding SPR's last case. The text muddled together in his mind, it all looked the same, and Lin realized that if only the damn overly persistent ache in his cranium would just dissipate, he'd be able to focus and get his work done.

"Lin," A concerned feminine voice said cautiously from behind the dark-haired omnyouji. He turned around to face the voice, his hand pressed to his right temple. The voice belonged to Mai, the sixteen year old girl whom Naru had hired as a replacement assistant in Lin's stead after he'd been injured while protecting the aforementioned girl. Naru had kept her as an assistant and an investigator. Though he'd never given Lin any inclination as to his reasoning for hiring her, Lin thought that he knew precisely why, although he refused to let his mind wander there. Instead he glanced down to Mai's cinnamon brown eyes and saw the worry there; she could tell that there was something off about her colleague today, "Is something wrong? You keep holding your head like you're in pain." she finished, taking a step towards him from her perch on the couch behind his desk.

"I have a minor headache. Nothing to be concerned with. I get them fairly often, so I'm used to it." Lin said, warily watching the girl as her worry changed from concern to anger and then back to the originally felt emotion

"You get chronic headaches? Have you seen a doctor about you this, Lin-San?" Mai asked, her voice hard as if she knew the answer already but was dreading hearing it.

"I have not. And even if I chose to, what would a doctor do, hmm? The only thing that one could do for my headaches is provide me the contact details for the nearest asylum. No medicine can defeat what causes my migraines." Lin replied, leaning forward on his hand as another, sharper, wave of pain shot through his head, eliciting a gasp out of the normally stoic Chinese man.

"Lin!" Mai yelled, rushing forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. His body was stiff, as if he was bracing himself against the pain, and with the loud and agonized sounding gasp that he'd let loose, she wouldn't be surprised if he was. Lin did not respond to her touch in any way, he simply concentrated on calming down his ragged breathing. He sat there with his head in his hands for several minutes, waiting until the migraine subsided into a dull ache in his temples. When he felt well enough, he turned his steely gray gaze onto Mai.

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