He then appears behind me, hugging me from behind. "Don't ever do that again Y/n." He whispers in my ear, his wet hair pressed against my cheek, the warmth of his body against my back.

We are quickly joined in the water by the rest of the guild. Lucy is crying and hugging me really tightly, saying she was gonna die in the guild without me. Erza squeezes in between Lucy and Gray and does a group hug with everyone.

I notice Melody is still on the harbour, tears streaming down her face. I break the group hug to swim to her when I climb out I give her the biggest hug I can manage. It takes her awhile, but she finally hugs back. "You left me..." She whispers in my ear. "And I won't do it again." I say to her, freeing her from the hug and looking her in the eye.

I then kneel down to hug my partner in crime, Eclipse. She's wailing and her voice sounds scratchy. She just keeps repeating my name over and over. Her claws are digging into my back, probably drawing blood. When I stand up, Eclipse is still attached to me, so she crawls up onto my shoulder.

I laugh as Gray grips me by my hips and slings me over his shoulder, Erza yelling at him saying I'm injured and delicate. Natsu also yelling at him saying he was being an ice head and for him to put me down. He just laughs at them and carries on walking with me on his shoulders.

It was like nothing had changed.

When we finally arrive at the guild he puts me down smiling. Erza immediately punches him saying he's being an idiot. When we open the doors, Natsu rushes in and punches a guy who's looming over Romeo. I use my katana to slice another up the back, and Gray and Erza thrash a few others. Romeo and everyone look amazed to see us alive.

"YOU'RE BACK!" Everyone shouts, crying and bawling. "It's time to party!" Master shouts, clearly already drunk. I don't even know how he did it. After receiving a few hugs I go outside. I'm never really into parties, it's ironic how Fairy Tail parties all the time.

"Well well well..." I hear a male voice say behind me. I turn around to see a male with blonde hair and another with black hair. By their sides are two exceeds, a telltale sign of their powers.

"Who might you be?" The blonde says seductively, he's tall in stature and quite toned with a piercing adorning his left ear of a jewel.

I just snort and look away, disinterested by the newcomers. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I say bluntly. I look out to the stars seeing the full moon just above the mountains.

He slings his arm around me, carelessly, it creating more weight on my back. "Exactly why I asked, I would like to know." I just brush his arm off, it hitting his hip with a soft thud.

"Would it make you leave me alone if I told you?" He just laughs at my question, yet his laugh is full of worry.

Im not normally this hostile, yet my moments of peace had been disrupted by him entirely, making his presence more a slight irritation rather than aggravator.

"I'm Sting, Sting Eucliffe of Sabertooth. I'm pretty famous round these parts." Hed say this cockily and like I would light up upon finding out his identity.

I shake my head, happy to hammer that arrogance into the ground and watch his face drop. "Nope. Never heard of you." I say, this revelation making him frown.

"You in a guild?" The dark haired one asked, not to be rude but I forgot he was there, hence I flinched when he joined the conversation.

"Yes I am." I mutter, jerking my thumb back to the one behind me, like the answer to his question is obvious. I don't want to give them too much information, so internally decide that this is the limit I am willing to reach in regards to giving out personal information.

"I'm a Light Dragon Slayer, and this is Rogue, he's a Shadow Dragon Slayer." I just look at them side ways, the exceeds, as fore-mentioned were a dead giveaway . "Cool. I know loads of your kind." Sting sweat drops, realising he hasn't gained any interest from me as of yet.

"What's your magic?" He asks, he looks offended that I'm not paying him any attention. He must be used to it, receiving attention I mean. "There's no point in me telling you, you won't have heard of it. It's ancient and uncommon round these parts. " I snort, trying to avoid the subject, albeit coming across very arrogant.

"We will if you show us it." Rogue says, picking up his exceed who's too kawaii to function. "Who's the frog and well dressed cat first?" I'd change my body language to lean against the railing, the cat waving to me.

"Frosch and Lector..." Sting mumbles as both Exceeds wave. "You're both very cute." I'd kneel down to be at their level, making both males smile gently at that.

See. I'm not all that mean.

"Y/n! Come inside! We got a piñata!" Natsu yells from the guild happily. "That's my cue!" I say cheerfully. Running over to the guild.

Sting's P.O.V:
Y/n huh? I'm sure we'll see again. She's really pretty, not that I'm into her or anything. "She has a lot of magic power." Rogue whispers from behind me. "That she does! I'm sure we'll see her again and be able to fight her."

An~ YAY! I'm sorry I left you on a cliff hanger for a while but... THANK YOU FOR 8k! I'm so happy! Baii <3

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