My hair was no longer the beautiful red color it naturally is, but black. After a few years at Joe's, I couldn't continue hiding at the Junkyard, especially after Joe fell ill. So we bought some hair dye and dyed it and I've kept it black ever since.

But now...being around Olivia...I want my hair back.

I sighed and walked into the room, hanging my towel over the door. I slipped on my pajamas and was turning down the covers when a scent hit me, making me go ridged.

The scent floated into the room from the door as a set of feet walked past. I stood there, waiting as the person walked past the door again, sounding as if they were pacing.

My breath was stuck in my throat, a bit of fear entering me as fight or flight mode kicked in.

The scent...I don't recognize it.'s not really threatening. It's more...relaxing.

I took a step away from the door, wary.

The steps stopped outside the door and I held my breath, waiting to see what was going to happen.

Please...go away...

There was a long silence and time seemed to stand still for a long moment. I stood there, frozen as I waited for whoever it was to knock or bust down the door, depending on who it was.

The figure stood there for another moment before their feet began to walk away, the sound of their footfalls echoing as they got farther and farther away.

I relaxed, letting out the breath I was holding before shaking my head.

"Jeez Sam, relax. They aren't going to come here and get you. Besides...what would mother or father want with you anyway when the real threat is Olivia?"

I frowned when I spoke those words to myself.

The real threat is Olivia. My mind went back to what Olivia was saying before. About how Dakota won't allow Olivia to fight against our parents because she hasn't really mastered her abilities yet.

How is a pack of wolves supposed to survive against a foe such as our parents? It's not possible without at least one witch on their side.

Maybe...Olivia was right. Maybe with two witches, they'll have a better chance. Besides, our parents will probably be caught completely off guard if I were to show up. In all honesty...they probably think I'm dead.

I sighed, the thought of approaching my parents making my heart fall to my stomach.

Alright Sam, relax.

I frowned and opened the window, looking out it. The room that Olivia had put me in looked out into the backyard and had a small part of the roof before dropping off. I chewed on my lip before climbing out of the window. I crouched down and looked over the edge before...jumping.

I smiled when I found myself floating, my telekinesis just strong enough to hold myself up.

I wasn't very good at my telekinetic abilities, usually being able to hold up objects. Any time I would try to lift a person I could do it for a few seconds before dropping them.

For some reason though, I have no problems making myself float. I find it quite relaxing and do this to meditate or when I'm trying to seriously think about things.

I pulled my legs up, sitting criss-cross, and placed my hands on my knees, closing my eyes.

My mind went to Olivia and her family and I chewed on my lip. Fighting against our parents...what if she loses that? She's...she's happy. She's so happy and I can't even think of what would happen if she were to lose her new family.

Rescue Me (Currently Rewriting)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя