We stand there, awkwardly, just staring at the crowd, the party unfolding in front of us. Then, I decided to break the tension,

"Hi," I said. Anna looks surprised, "H-hi, hi me?" she stutters, as if she couldn't believe that I was talking to her. I gave her a smile and that was when she realized that, yes, I was talking to her, "Oh! Oh, hi!" she smiles.

"You look beautiful." I complimented. And she did, in her green ball gown. "Oh! Thanks. You look beautifuller. I-I mean not fuller, you don't look fuller. M-more beautiful, you look more beautiful." she says in a rush. I giggle, "Thanks." I face the crowd, and sighed, "So. This is what a party looks like." I said, watching everyone dance.

"Its warmer than I thought." Anna replies. I sniff the air, "What is that amazing smell?" we both take a deep breath, taking in the scent of-

"Chocolate!" we said in unision, giggling.

We were interrupted when the Duke of Wesleton suddenly appeared in front of us, "Queen Elsa, as your closest partner in trade, I think I should have the honor of your first dance as Queen." he says, bowing down. His hair flips off of his head and Anna and I fought to suppress our giggles.

He must be the 'Bald Duke Guy' Jack was refering to earlier. "Thanks," I said as he straightens up, "But I don't dance." I tell him. The disappointment was evident and his face fell, "Oh."

"But my sister does." I added, gesturing to Anna. Anna giggles, rolling her eyes.

"Then its your lucky day!" the Duke says, grabbing her hand and leading her to the dance floor. Anna gives me a parting glance. She looks annoyed. "Sorry." I mouth, waving my hands and she grins.

I sigh contentedly. Our conversation might have been short, but I will definitely cherish it. It felt like everything was back to normal again. I watch Anna dance with the Duke for several moments, laughing lightly as the Duke stomps on her foot.

After a few minutes, Anna comes hobbling back to the stage, taking her place next to me.

"Well, he was sprightly." I laughed as Anna rubs her foot, "Yeah. Especially for a man in heels." she answers, grimacing.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I help her straighten up. Anna smiles, looking wistful and delighted, "Yes. I've never been better!" she squeals, "Oh this is so nice. I wish we could always be like this." she said.

I smile. Trust me, Anna, I do too. "Me too." I answer truthfully. Then I remember what I did to her when we were younger, I frown. Sure, maybe I can control my powers a bit now but its still unpredictable. "But it can't." I added. Anna's face fell, "B-but why not?" she queries, making a grab for my hands but I turned away. I can't risk hurting her. I love her too much, "Bacause it just can't!" I snap.

I didn't have to turn around to see Anna's disappointment; it was evident in her voice, "I'll see you later." she excuses herself.

I blink away my tears. I hated disappointing Anna. And it hurt me to see her in so much pain. And it was because of me. I wasn't even doing anything. I was just trying to protect her.

The words, "Your a monster." pop in my head. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts,

when someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and gasp when I see Jack standing there grinning sheepishly.

"Hey." he said. I grab his hand and pull him to some place more private; behind the stage, where we were concealed from the prying eyes of other people.

"Hi." I smiled. I was so glad to see him. "Why here?" he said looking confused, "No one can see me remember?" "Exactly why we should be hidden." I replied, "Imagine what people will think if they see their new queen talking to a someone seemingly invisible?" I ask. Jack laughs, "Oh."

"Hey, do you know someone named Hans?" Jack asks suddenly. I frown, trying to remember, "No not that I remember. Why?" I asked. "Well, the other Guardians said that we should be careful about him. He could be with   Pitch." Jack states.

I nod, "Okay. Speaking of Pitch, he was here earlier."

"What?!" Jack snaps, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" his knuckles turn white as he was clutching his staff tightly. "I'm sorry! He disappeared just as fast as he came. I didn't think it was worth worrying about." I said defensively.

Jack takes a step closer, making my heart beat faster, "Elsa its Pitch we're talking about. He wants you. Of course its worth worrying about." he says, gently cupping my face in his hand. My gloved hand closes against his, "I know. I just... ugh." I trail off. I didn't know what else to say.

His blue eyes looks directly into mine. They seem to be boring holes into me. They held so much emotion, worry, hope, unease and something else I can't quite place.

The glint of mischief was still there, if you look close enough. I finally look away, unable to hold his mesmerizing gaze. I gave him a smile, "I should go." I say quietly. Jack looks confused, but he nods and steps back, looking away.

"Jack?" I ask. I couldn't bear leaving, walking away when he looks like... this. His head snaps up, "Yes?"

I walk over and hugged him. He smells of chocolate and snowy days. A weird combination, but it smells great. I pull away and kiss him gently on his lips, "Thank you." I said, before coming back out to face the crowd.


Thank you for all your support, for the lovely comments that made me smile, for all the votes showing that you care and for reading this story!

I'm so tired. I was literally half asleep while typing but I wanted to update for Christmas so here it is!.Now sure how it turned out, but I hope ya'll enjoyed!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (hope I spelled that right) or whatever floats your boat


I Luv Ya'll!

xx Erica<3

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