Chapter 12-MAMA Awards(Part 1)

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Hello readers nice to see you again. I am so sorry if I stopped continuing this book I stopped because I had too much things to do and I also have school. So hope all of you can understand and I will try my best to make the stories even if I don't always have free time.

- M23
Rose's POV:

When I got inside the car the ride was very silent and I asked Baekhyun what were we doing. But he just told me to be quiet. 'Maybe the others are having fun with their mates.' I told myself. The whole time in the car was so silent because we never talked with each other, even I wanted to talk to him but he just won't answer me. So I had no choice to just sleep because that is the only thing that I thought that can break of the silence. So I drifted off to sleep.

1 hour later.............

Baekhyun's POV:

'What should I do' I told myself because she was trying to talk to me but I never answered her because even if I am a funny person I even have a hard time talking seriously because when a person will talk to me I just laugh and I don't want to make a conversation that is all about nonsense. After a while of silence I looked at my side and saw she was already asleep 'Oh my gosh, she is so cute even when she is sleeping.Like her face,lips,hair, and everything. Man,there is nothing that is imperfect about her.' I told myself. And just minutes after, we already arrived in the place that MAMA will be placed. When I was just about to park there was a flash that came across my car and of course I knew who was it,Paparazzi. After 10 minutes of trying to escape from the paparazzi I finally succeeded and found a place to park and it was not really not far from the stadium that helps MAMA. Now the problem is that Rose is still asleep and I don't want to interrupt her slumber so I had no choice but to carry her. So I put her in my arms bridal style and brought her out of the car safely and she didn't even make a sound. While holding her I was curious on how light she was 'Maybe she is trying on a diet?' I told myself. After walking for like 3 minutes we finally arrived in the place where MAMA is held.

Chanyeol's POV:

Finally, we arrived in the place where MAMA is held Me and Angel arrived first then followed by the other boys. All of us created a circle but when we started to go inside I told them "Where is Rose and Baekhyun?" and Suho hyung said "Well, they should be here because they were the first ones to go out from the house." So we waited for them and finally they arrived. As the leader of the group, Suho hyung went near and asked them why they were late even if they were the first to go out of the house and Baekhyun told him that they found a parking space but Rose was asleep so he didn't want to wake her up. Then we all nodded our heads then went directly inside the Stadium. We went directly to the VIP part because we were celebrities but we forgot on where the girls will stay but Rose said that they will be fine and we were curious on what she said. Then she finally told us that her family was running this because the past owner was her great grandfather. Then Sehun said "Wow, all of you girls are rich!" Then they all just laughed at us. I asked "What's funny?" Pearl answered "All of us were raised in rich families so we don't have a lot of problems in life, except, school" Then the girls nodded their heads agreeing with Pearl. "Oh." was all I can say.

Suho's POV:

Finally, I can my spirit in my body again. "Aish, why does baekhyun always make me so worried about him. But its fine now because I already know the reason" I told myself. "All right guys, chit chat time is done now we need to get ready for our performance and we need to be there early because we still need need to prepare our clothes and our make up." I told them and even getting the attention of the girls. "So does that mean that us girls will just wait for you when you perform?" Victoria asked. Then we just nodded at her question. "So girls, take care of yourselves when we go backstage we will miss you girls even though we are just backstage." Kai said while looking at Michelle and Michelle lowered her head because of embarrassment. "Ok guys, let's go" I told them. So we went to the backstage while the girls went back to their seats near the stage. So when we arrived at the backstage the next thing I saw was a black figure in the background and then the next I saw was darkness.


Hey readers, long time no talk I am very sorry that I couldn't update anymore even though I try my best to do it. I sometimes cry because I want to write but nothing comes into my mind. I just hope that this update can make you be happy even though I can't always update. I was also taking care of my mom who has a sickness in her heart and I need to take care of her because my dad is working. So I hope you can forgive me and see you in the next update.

- M23

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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