Chapter 5-The Principal

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Hey girls and guys I'm so sorry if I took a long time to update it's because of my homeworks and exams for school.So I hope you could forgive me.



Angel's POV:

I was the first one to wake up among the six of us.Wait,why six?Oh I remember,yesterday I met Michelle and her friends then we had a sleepover.I woke up 6:00 in the morning and then I remembered that today is Tuesday and it wil be first my first time to go to Rose Academy.So I went straight to bathroom and took a bath.After 30 minutes I went out of the bathroom and change into my school uniform.When I was done changing,I wake all of them up.Then I also told them "Hey girls wake up right now because today is tuesday and we need to go to school right now!!"When I was done yelling at them they all woke up then Michelle was the first one to go into the bathroom then Daisy,Pearl,Princess and then Victoria.So while they where still taking a bath I went down and took my breakfast after 10 minutes Michelle went down and she was suprised why her breakfast was already there.

"Noona,why my food is already in the table?" She asked me.Then I told her "I remembered from our past sleepovers years ago that I will be the first one to wake you up and then you would go to the bathroom and after 10 minutes you would come down to have your breakfast." "Wow I didn't know you could still remember." I chuckled when I heard that from her.When we were done eating we saw her friends going down the stairs.I stared at them for a while then I checked the time at it was already 7:00 o'clock.Then I told them "Hey,good morning you better eat fast so that we can go to school early." Then Pearl answered "We will just be done eating after 15 minutes then we will go to school."

After 15 minutes we went to school using Michelle's lamborghini.Then after 5 minutes we arrived at school,she parked her car in the school parking lot when I first saw Rose Academy I was so shocked at how big the Academy was.I checked the time and it was already 7:25 I told them "hey girls let's go to our classroom." "Sure unnie." Michelle told me.Then we get to their classroom there was a man who was infront and called my name "Are you Miss Angel?" "Yes" I told him.So he brought me to a room which was for the principal "Welcome to Rose Academy.I am Mr.Kyuhyun,the Principal of Rose Academy." He told me.

Well at first I was so shocked at how handsome he was.When you first saw him he could mistake him for a student in this school.And then I told him "Excuse me Mr.Principal can you please tell me why I am here?" "Well,it's because that I wanted to tell you that you will join the the Rose Student Council classroom because of your iq which is 130 and you will become the Public Relations Officer." He told me."Wow it's such an honor to be part of the Rose Student Council,Thank you!" I bowed in front of him and then go to the RSC classroom.I was now finding where it is.Then I saw a sign saying Rose Student Council.So I went in and say "Annonghaseyo." Then I realized that some of them where shocked and some were suprised.

Then the teacher asked me "Are you miss Angel?" "Yes" I answered."Okay class this is your new classmate and she will become the Public Relations Officer.Please greet yourself to them." The teacher told me and I responded "Annonghaseyo Angel-ibnida.I am 21 years old and I am half Korean and half American also I am very grateful to meet all of you and I hope we can be good friends.When I was done with my greeting we had our classes first we had Math followed by Biology and Science my three favorite subjects.then we will have our lunch in the school
cafeteria then we heard a man talking from the cafteria speakers."Hello this is Mr.Kyuhyun,the principal." When all of the sutdents heard that mostly all of his fangirls were screaming.

Daisy's POV:

"Ugh how noisy are the principal's fangirls are?" I asked."Well it's because he's part of sm entertainment and he is also a part of one of the biggest kpop boy groups,Super Junior."Michelle told me."Yeah she's right" Pearl said."Okay that's enough of the noise." Then everybody became quiet then the principal continued."Good,well as what I was going to say is that all of you have only 2 months until there will be a masquerade ball which is sponsored by the Rose Student Concil.So remember you need to wear formal clothes like dresses,gowns,tuxedos, and etc.You can choose anyone to be your date it can be from another school,a celebrity if know one or your friends with him or her.So that is all thank you for listening." Then the speaker turned off then everybody went to their respective classrooms.

So we went back to our classroom then we had french language,dancing,and then arts.We were done at 4:00 p.m. then when we were with school we go to the RSC studio where we had plans for the masquerade ball and we also taught angel about what are the rules and obligations of an RSC student.We were done at 5:30 p.m. so we planned that we will continue it tomorrow."Hey girls let's go to the mall because I need to buy things for our science project." Victoria Noona told us."Oh yeaaah I remember that we need to buy some supplies for our group science project." Princess said. "Are you always forgetfu Princess unnie?" Michelle asked her "Not really." She said.So we decided to go the mall and we agreed that when were done buying the supplies that we need we will go to our own houses or mansions,so that our parents will not be worried about where we are.Our science project is about the universe,so we planned out before going to the mall.

Here are the things that each of the girls is assigned to do:

Michelle-Moon and Sun
Victoria-Neptune and Saturn
Pearl-Milky way or galaxy

So we went to the mall using Michelle's car but before going the mall we went to gas station because Michelle's car was low on fuel.So after filling Michelle's car with fuel we went directly to the mall.When we arrived at the mall I checked the time and it was 6:00 p.m. so I told them "Let's go because my curfew is 7:00 p.m." So after 30 minutes of buying supplies we went directly to our houses.We all arrived home at 6:45 p.m. Thank you Lord that I went home before 7:00 p.m. I told myself.

Victoria's POV:

When I came back from the mall my mother greeted "Oh hello my darling it's been a long time we have seen each other." I told her."Mom I have been away for only 3 days and you could also understand that I also want to spend time with my friends,remeberrrr." "I remeber but I missed you very much." "I missed you too mom." I hugged her when we were still hugging somebody covered my eyes."Dad is that you?" I asked "Ding dong,your correct" he said."I missed you and mom." I told him."Well wherever you go we will always love you forever and ever." He told me.
"Let's have dinner." My mother told us.Then my dad and I went to the dining table together.When we were having our lunch we dicussed bout how I was doing how I was feeling and other kinds of stuff.We watched a movie together and my dad accidentaly slept so we planned on going to bed at it was already 9:00 in the evening.So I told my parents good night and I went to my room,changed my clothes and lay down on my bed.
'I need to sleep now so that I can go to school early' I told myself and then I drifted to sleep.


Sorry for the late update(assignments again)I hope you can forgive me by voting,commenting,and continue reading this lots.


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