Chapter 4-Angel

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                                                     Dedicated to AngelzkieXD6

Hi this the 4th chapter of my book hope your enjoying and remember if you want to have a character in my story just message me
and please follow me.By the way I will not tell you who is she to the other girls and by the way I am talking about the girl in the multimedia section.



Michelle's POV:

The girls were bugging me while I was listening to music in my headphones.But the funny thing is I was not listening to music because my
iphone was low on battery so I just put on my ears so that they would think that I am listening to music.After 2 minutes they stopped annoying
me.So finally I took of my headphones off my head and a girl called me "Michelle!!" 'I think I heard that voice before' I thought.When I turned
around it was a girl who looks familiar and I asked her "Who are you?" "You don't remember me?" She said sadly and she was about to cry.Then
I told her "No." "Do you still you remember our when we were are in kinergarten." She said.Then I had a flashback.

Flashback and mini Michelle's POV:

"Angel let's play together." My little self told a girl "Sure Michelle let's play." Me and Angel were close friends since kindergarten everyday we will go
to her house because there are plenty of butterflies there.One day Angel told me "Michelle today is the last day I will live in the Philippines because I
will go to America tomorrow because of my father's job." She said sadly and she was already teary-eyed.Then I told her "Don't worry I know we can
meet again in the future,pinky promise?" "Pinky promise.I will miss you." She told me "I miss you too." Then the next day me and my parents watch
her and her parents going to the lane and after lining in the lane they can already board the airplane for America.But before going to the lane she
told "I will miss you and goodbye." "I will miss you too no this isn't goodbye because I know that we can meet each other again in this future." I told
her and when I told her that she already cried and when i rubbed my eye I realized that I was also crying and then we hugged then she already lined
in the lane and board the airplane and after 5 minutes the airplane already flew going to America.Then that was the last time that I saw her.

End of flashback

Still Michelle's POV:

When I was done with the flashback I felt hot tears on my cheek."A-a-angel is that you?" Asking her while I was crying."You still remeber
me!Thank God she still remembers me!" She shouted loudly."Is it really you?" I asked her."Yes it's really me." She told me.When She told me that
I ran straight up to her just to hug her and tell her "I missed you unni." "I missed you more." She told me,so I told my best friends."Unni's this is
my best friend Angel.We've been best friends ever since kindergarten in the Philippines but you couldn't see her because she went to America
because of her father's work." I told them in korean.So they told Angel "Annyeonghaseyo." "Annyeonghaseyo Angel ibnida." She told them.when
said that they were so shocked how can she speak korean then Pearl unni asked her "How can you speak korean so well?" "It's because I am half Korean and half American,my mom is Korean and my father is American." She told them."Oh so that's why." Victoria unni said."By the unni's
please introduce yourself to angel unni."

I told them "Hi my name is Victoria." "Hi my name is Pearl." "Hi my name is Princess." "Hi my name is Daisy."All of them told Angel unni,then Angel unni introduced herself as well."Hi my name is Angel.I am 21 years old and I was born on December 25,1994." "Oh,I am older than you so you can call me unni." Victoria & Daisy said together."So were done with the indruction where will we go now?" I asked them."Let's go to my house." Angel unni told us."Are you sure?" Pearl unni said.Then Angel unni "It's okay because I already told my parents ahead of time because I knew I would find Michelle here in this school also I knew she had some of her friends with her." "How did you knew that I school here and how do you know that I will bring my friends with me." I asked her."I asked an ivestigator toinvestigate where are you living and what are the names and profiles of your friends." She told us.

Then Princess unni told her "So that's how you know where we were.So can we go to your house now?" "Sure." Angel unni told us "Let's go!!" Victoria unni said "What are we gonna use for our transportation?" Daisy unni asked us "Let's use my car." I told them so Angel unni told me "Are you sure that i can fit in your car?" "Yup." I told her."Okay!Let's use your car to go to my house!" She told me.Then we went staright to her house.She also gave me directions to where her house was.When we arrived at her house we were amazed at her house or should I say mansion.It was big and classy just like pearl's house or mansion."Are your parents home?" I asked Angel unni.Then she replied to me "Yup.My parents are home even though it's Monday they just took the day off from their work.Let's go inside." "Yeah!!" We all shouted.When we inside their house we where so shocked on how beautiful their indoor furniture was and their ceilings and tiles were done with marble they even had a chandelier hanging in their dining table.When we were in awe of her house or mansion two people came down from the stairs.

The man was wearing a black tuxedo with a red rose in his pocketwhile the woman was wearing a red long dress.She asked Angel unni "Who are these people?" "These are my new friends." She told her "But can you be more specific on who they are." The man told her."Fine.Their names are Pearl,Daisy,Victoria,Princess,and Michelle." Angel unni told them.Then the woman answered "Michelle like the Michelle you used to play with at our house when you were younger?" Then she told her. "Yes" "Where is she?" The woman asked her."She's right here." She was reffering to me who was beside her."Omo,Your so beautiful." I bowed my head down from embarresment."You don't remeber me?" She told me.I nodded. "It's me Angel's mother." She told me.Then I compare her with Angel unni then it was true that she was her mother and the man was her father because when we were younger she told me that had beauty from her both her parents but mostly from her mother and her intelligence from both her parents but mostly her father."I'm so sorry I didn't recognized you earlier because now you are more beautiful and handsome than before." I told them.Then they told me "Why thank you for the wonderful compliment and you are still the same Michelle we knew before." "Thank you for the wonderful compliment as well." I told them.Then after a while we went to our respctive guest rooms then we drifted off to sleep.


Hope all of you are enjoying this story.I am so sorry if I can't update occasionally because I am studying for my N.A.T. (National Achievement Test) Then my mother told me that I can only use my gadgets every weekend so that I can focus on my studies then we will have our review starting tomorrow (January 18,2016,Monday) so hope you can understand my situation.So please vote,comment,and follow me in wattpad.Love all you guys.


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