Chapter 10-Mate

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Annonghaseyo authour-imnida!So hey readers this is the 10th chapter of the book.
I am very pleased that all of you like this story.Readers can we please reach 500 reads because it would make my day.So on with the chapter :)



Xiumin's POV:

When the concert I finally heaved a sigh of relief because we finished the concert without any malfunctions.Before going down the stage we bowed and thanked our fans for coming and watching and we had our last song Peter Pan then we ended our show.So we went down the stage to get ready for the nine girls who will come to our backstage room.So while was getting Chen asked me "Hyung,are you sure we need to tell those about what we are?" "Remeber what Suho told us that we need to tell those girls what we are because maybe they are our mates." "I'm scared hyung." "Why?" "Because maybe they will not like us." "Just keep calm and keep it cool." "Okay hyung,I will try"

Rose's POV:

While me and all of the were doing our make up,fixing our clothes and wiping off our sweat.So I asked Pearl what are the names of her best friends.Then she told me:

Angel:Orange hair,brown eyes,and white skin
Chloe:Victoria unni's new friend,brown eyes and hair,and light brown skin
Daisy:Brown hair,green eyes,and light brown skin
Ella:Michelle's 1st cousin,Blond hair with pink,blue,violet streaks,blue eyes,and white skin
Michelle:Ella unni's 1st cousin,Orange hair with blond streaks,blue eyes,and white skin
Pearl:Light blue hair,blue eyes and white skin
Princess:Black hair,blue eyes,and white skin
Victoria:Red hair,brown eyes,and white skin

So after introducing themselves to me we went backstage to meet EXO.So when we arrived in front of their backstage door Victoria unni knock the door and then we realized it was unlocked,then we went inside and saw all of them wearing


Suho's POV:

While waiting for the 9 girls we wore Tuxedos because our manager told us to wear something fancy when we meet the 9 girls.After 10 minutes of waiting for the 9 girls we finally heard a knock.When they knocked again they realized that it was unlock.So they went inside and saw all of us in our tuxedos.To their astonishment we stand up and greeted "Welcome to our backstage room." Our backstage room was very out of the ordinary because it has leather couches,3 AC's,9 beds so that we can sleep if we are tired,3comfort room,and 3 bathrooms.So I spoke to the girls in korean"Good evening girls.Thank you for coming to our backstage room." Then a girl with red hair spoke up in korean as well."It is a pleasure to come here." So after chatting or more like making jokes and laughing but our backstage room is soundproof so that means nobody can hear us from the outside and the doors are lock so nobody can disturb us.After 30 minutes we finally wanted to tell the girls about what we are.So I talked to the boys using telepathy.


Me:So guys do you want to tell them now or later.

Chanyeol:I think we should tell them now because they might go home early.

Lay:So what are you guys talking about?

Chen:Good timing hyung,we were just talking about when to these girls about what we are.

Baekhyun:What about we give them a gift that has a note that we are wolves.

Xiumin:We can't do that,we need to tell personally.

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