Chapter 6-Secret

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Hey girls and guys (if some boys are reading this) remember you can have a character in this story if you comment and give information about the name and status of the character you want to have in this book.So remember I will only choose three lucky girls to have a character in this story.Remeber the only character gender will have to be a female (sorry to the guys).Okay enough of the chit chat let's just get on with it.By the way it will more time to update because of school,so please forgive me and if I have time I am sure that I can make an update if I have time.



Michelle's POV:

"Miss wake up" I heard the voice talking to me and it was Maria my maid.Then I heard my iphone ring and it was already 6:30 a.m.,so I had no choice but to get up from my beauty sleep.Then I went to my bathroom and came out 10 minutes later then I told Maria "Can you please prepare my school uniform and my breakfast." "Yes mistress,right away." "By the way thank you in advance." I treat my maids and butlers as friends so that they will not get the wrong impression of me.Then Maria gave me my school uniform and I thanked when she gave me my school uniform then she went down to prepare my breakfast.After 5 minutes I went down and was greeted by my parents "Good morning Michelle." My parents told me. "Good morning mom and dad,how was your sleep." "We are fine thank you for being concerned about us." My father told me. "Let's eat our breakfast because we need to go work and you,young lady need to go to school." Then we ate our breakfast and I went straight to our flat screen tv that is placed in our living room.

I was dropped off by my parents and I checked my watch and it was already 7:20 a.m. so I went directly to my classroom.When I arrived in my classroom I was greeted by Pearl unni. "Annonghaseyo unni." "Annonhaseyo Michelle how was your morning." "I'm fine thank you for asking."
Then I went directly straight to my desk and studied while waiting for the teacher because we have a quiz on Math."Hi Michelle." Victoria unni,Princess,Daisy unni,and Angel unni greeted me."Hi." I greeted them."Why you unnies go to school together without Pearl unni." I asked. "Yesterday we planned that tommorow morning or today we will meet in my house so that we can go to school together,but she didn't want to go because she wants to go to school early and we know that your parents will bring you to school or you would just ride you lamborghini." Victoria unni said and I answered "So that's explains why Pearl unni was not with you unnies."

After 30 minutes of talking with each other we finally started our classes,since it's Wednesday we have another school schedule we have French study,Math,and Science.Because every Monday and Tuesday we have our schedule as Math,Science,and French study but Wednesday and Thursday is French study,Math,and Science,while Friday is HELE,P.E.,and Music.Every Monday to Thursday we wear our school uniform and on Friday we wear our P.E. uniform.After 1 hour and 30 minutes we had our snacks in the school cafeteria as always.I ordered the usual a ham and cheese sandwich with orange juice.Then I waited for my food and after 10 minutes a butler gave me my food "Bon apetit." He said "Merci." I answered and he went back to the kitchen,I was curious if he was still new to this."Michelle,earth to Michelle." Pearl unni said."Yes.What is it?" I asked "Nothing you spaced out,were you thinking about EXO?" Angel unni asked."No,by the way how did you know that I liked EXO?" "Well just from the looks of it you are a fan of EXO,like one time when Victoria unni said that EXO was live on tv you were the first one to go infront of the tv." She answered."Oh,so that's how you know." I told her."But don't worry I like them as well." She told me."Really?Who's your bias?" "Chanyeol" She said while blushing."Well mine is Kai." I answered.Then after 30 minutes it was already time.

Fast Forward...........

We were done with school for today and we went our RSC room and we just had a meeting about the same thing we talked about since Monday.
After 30 minutes we went home,the Six of us went infront of the school and suddenly we heard our iphones ringing and we all answered our iphones."Yoboseyo?" We asked.Then we heard our mothers telling us that we will meet in my house because they have something important to tell us.So we rode Pearl unni's limousine going to my house.When we arrived my butler luke told us to go to our family living room and we just stayed there while waiting for our parents.After five minutes we heard some footsteps,the somebody said "Finally all of you arrived." I realized that it was the voice of Pearl's father.We all moved to to main hall to have the meeting.

"So what's the reason that you called of us here?" Victoria unni asked."Well it's because the six of you girls are not normal humans,you are humans who posess magic." My father answered."When the six of you were born you had magic that was given from your ancestors." Angel unni's mom answered."Can you please tell us what are our magic powers are?" Asked Daisy unni.

Their magical powers:

Angel-Force Field,Fire,and Telepathy
Daisy-Shield,Lightning,Illusionist,and Telepathy
Michelle-Mind Control,Mind Reader,Night Vision,Shield,Teleportation,Superhuman  Endurance,Mimicry,and Telepathy
Pearl-Precognition(A person who can see the future),Wind,and Telepathy
Princess-Night Vision,Healing,and Telepathy
Victoria-Invisibility,Water,and Telepathy

"Wow that's a lot." Angel unni said.We laughed at her comment,but it's true its really a lot."Girls,remember that when your eyes turn into a red color that means you finally found your mate.You and him will have a similar power and you will be him forever." Pearl unni's mother told us.
"So what powers did all of you had in common." Victoria unni asked our parents.

Their parents' powers:

Angel's parents:Force Field and Telepathy
Daisy's parents:Shield and Telepathy
Michelle's parents:Mind Control,Night Vision,Mind Reader,Mimicry,Superhuman Endurance,Shield,and Telepathy
Pearl's parents:Precognition and Telepathy
Princess' parents:Night Vision and Telepathy
Victoria's parents:Invisibilty and Telepathy

"Mom,dad,why did I have more powers than the others?" I asked my parents."Well it's because your father and I were the kingka and queenka in the wolf world." My mother told me."Were wolves!!" The six of us answered."Yes the six of you are wolves and you need to hide yourselves from other people because it would cause a riot." Princess unni's dad told us. "Can you please tell us on what kind of power our mate will have that is similar to ours." Princess unni asked.

The power that their mate has similar to theirs:


"Okay that is enough for today,we should have our dinner here and when were done eating we will go back to our houses." Princess unni's mother told us.So I checked the time and it was already 7:30 in the evening,so that's why I am hungry.So my father called Luke to tell the chefs to cook for all of us in the main hall.After 15 minutes we went to the family dining room with my two older sisters,their husband and boyfriend,my parents,my best friends,and my best friends' parents.So we were talking about how was school,what are the plans for the future and their company,and when we will practice our powers.After 1 hour all of us went back to our houses and I went directly to my room after eating dinner I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth then I went to sleep but before going to sleep my mother told "You better be ready because tomorrow there is something that will make you grin from ear to ear." Then after hearing that I went to my room and then I fell fast asleep.

How was the chapter of the book.I really hoped you all liked it even though I take a long time to update.BTW I think my schedule for updating is Monday,Tuesday,and Saturday (MTS) or any day that I have time to make an update.Remember please vote,comment,and read my story it would mean so much to lots,all


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