Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

       The recording label was having a meeting about an upcoming charity concert. Everything that was sold there, including the tickets, was going to be donated to various charities. This was something the record label did every year.

       Right now, we were all discussing who was going to be performing and in what order. We almost had everything planned out.

       "Alright," Dad said. "We need one more performer. Who's going to perform last?"

       "Zander can," Cannon said. "Right, Zander?"

       I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

       "You'll perform at the charity concert, right?" Cannon asked.


       "Cannon, don't try to pressure him," Dad said.

       "Oh, come on," Cannon said. "He has performed a few times and he loves charity. Imagine how excited people will be to see Zander perform at a charity concert. Everyone's dying to see him perform, which will bring in a lot of tickets...."

       "With Zander, we can't just thing about tickets," Dad said. "We have to think about his health first."

       "I know that," Cannon said. "If it's for charity, one of which is always the orphanage he volunteers at, that will help him perform." Cannon looked at me. "If you think about the charity, and of course see Genesis in the crowd, you'll be able to perform easier than usual, right?"

       "Yeah, I think so," I said, though my voice was a bit quiet.

       "Are you sure?" Dad asked. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

       "No, I think I should," I said. "I really have to start performing a lot more if I want to get over my fear."

       "Alright," Dad said, adding my name onto the list.

       Everyone discussed a few more things before the meeting was over. Dad went straight away to announcing the name of the performers for the charity concert and when the tickets would go on sale.

       I didn't have to stay in the studio, so I went outside and to my car. As soon as I got in, my cell phone rang, so I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

       "Zan, why didn't you tell me you were performing at the charity concert?" Genesis asked. "It's, like, all over to the internet."

       "Already?" I asked. "My dad just released the names."

       "I know, and everyone's excited," she said. "I'm definitely going to buy a ticket."

       "You do know that you did get in every year for free, right?" I asked.

       "I know," she said. "But it will be your first big performance. Your only other ones were at the restaurant and on the talk show. I want to support you in every way I can, and besides, the money will be going to charity."

       I smiled. "How did I become so lucky to get a girlfriend like you?"

       "Who knows?" she asked. "So, want to come over? My dad's not home."

       "Ooh, sounds interesting," I said. "But I'm going to have to decline."

       "Aww," she said. "....Please?"

       "Gen, seriously, no," I said. "I'd love to, but my dad still has to work at the studio and my mom has to head out in a few minutes, so I'm going to have to watch Max. Do you want me to pick you up so you can come over?"

       "Well, that doesn't sound as fun as being home alone," she said. "But I still want to hang out with you, and even Max, so okay."

       "Alright, I see you soon," I said. "I love you."

       "I love you too," Genesis said before we hung up.

       I drove to her house where she was waiting outside. She got into the passenger seat and I leaned over and kissed her cheek just because I could. She smiled at me and I pulled out of the driveway, driving to my house.

       Right as we walked in, Mom was getting ready to leave. "Perfect timing," she said. "Max is in the gaming room and probably won't leave there for a while, so just make sure you'll be able to hear him if he needs anything."

       "Okay," I said. "Gen and I will just be in the music room." I grabbed Genesis's hand and pulled her to the music room. "I'm going to need your help picking a song for me to perform. And I want to practice as much as I can so I now I'm prepared."

       "Ooh, I know," she said, flipping through my song book to find one. When she did, she handed it to me. "This one. And, if you want, you could also play the guitar while you do it."

       "Yeah, I think I'm going to try that," I said. I reached for my guitar and propped it on my knee before turning on the microphone. "I'd like to dedicate this song to my girlfriend and my best friend. My fridge."

       Genesis giggled. "You're such a goof. Sing. I want to hear you."

       "Alright," I said before I began strumming my guitar for the intro. I began singing the song and Genesis was smiling the whole time, which only made me smile.

       Halfway through the song, Max walked in and sat on the floor beside Genesis with a huge smile on his face. These two people always made me feel confident when I was singing. 

       When I finished, they both clapped. "Yay!" Max said. "I love that song!"

       "Thank you," I said. "I'm going to be performing it at the charity concert."

       "You're going to be performing there?" he asked. "Can I come?" 

       "Of course," I said.

       "Who else will be performing?" he asked, so I told her the list of everyone who was going to be performing at the charity concert, which only made him smile wider. He seemed really excited for the concert now. I was even excited for it and I was really hoping I would be able to perform without any problem.


Omg, I love this book, but I want to finish it soon only so I can start Major Vocal. cx I think it might end on chapter 40, so seven more chapters. But at least the Fame characters will be featured in Major Vocal a few times.

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