Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       I was awaken the next day by my bedroom lights constantly flickering on and off. I knew it wasn't Genesis because she was still sleeping with her head on my chest and her arms wrapped tightly around me, and it wasn't my parents because the only days they woke me up was when I was almost late for school.

       I sat up a tiny bit, looking at the bedroom door and seeing both Cannon and Hunter there. Cannon was the one flickering the lights on and off, so I threw a pillow at him before laying back down on my bed. "I really hate you, Cannon," I said.

       "I'm insulted," he said.

       "Why?" I asked. "I say that all the time."

       "Oh, I'm not insulted because you hate me," Cannon said. "I couldn't care less. I'm insulted because Genesis is sleeping with you and not me."

       Hunter punched his shoulder. "You really need to learn how to, I don't know, not hit on someone other than your wife."

       "Shut up," Cannon said. "You know it's a joke. I don't mean anything and Annalise is fine with it because she knows it's who I am. So, Zander. Did you two get down and dirty last night? Did you do the deed? The frickle frackles? The...."

       "I really hate you," I said.

       Genesis stirred around a bit before waking up. She smiled at me before looking at Cannon and glaring at him before laying back down on my chest. "Thanks for waking me up, Cannon," she said. "I can't sleep with the lights on."

       "Sorry, I did it out of hurt," he said. "I can't believe you, Genesis. We had something special, but then you decided to do the dance with no pants with Zander."

       "We didn't sleep together," Genesis said. "We are wearing clothes you know. And I have a boyfriend, remember?"

       "Uggh, Chandler," Cannon said. "Do me a favor babe and break up with him."

       "How would that be doing you a favor?" Genesis asked.

       "Well, you see, Z--Ow!" Cannon was cut off when Hunter punched him in the shoulder and glared at him. "Never mind."

       "Why do I feel like you're all hiding something from me?" Genesis asked.

       "We're not," Cannon said. "Well, we are, but we can't tell you. I.E, we're hiding something."

       "Remind me never to ask you to keep a secret for me," Hunter said.

       "Like your dyslexia?" Cannon asked. "Or your drinking problem as a teen? Ooh, or that time when you were almost late for your first tour because you and Violet were...."

       "Yes, like that," Hunter said.

       "What are you two doing here, anyway?" I asked.

       "Raiding your food," Cannon said. "I'm all out and I can't afford any more."

       "You have a hot tub in your bedroom," I said. "Don't tell me you can't afford anymore food."

       "We actually have a meeting with your dad," Hunter said. "And he told us to see if you're still sleeping, not to wake you up, so Cannon's an idiot."

       "If you guys want to get rowdy, make sure you close the door and put on some really loud music," Cannon said with a wink before leaving. Hunter sighed, shaking his head and following his stupid best friend.

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