Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

       I was honestly a bit worried to go to school the next day. My dad's radio station was one of the biggest in the city and with my song playing, as well as the announcement after the song played talking about the mystery singer, it was going to be the talk of the school.

       I drove into the driveway of Genesis's house, hearing the usual yelling I did whenever I picked her up for school. This time, Genesis was waiting outside. She quickly walked to my car and got into the passenger seat. "What is it this time?" I asked.

       "Who knows?" she mumbled. "Let's just get to school."


       "I just want to get to school, Zander," she said, her voice breaking. "Please."

       I sighed and pulled out of the driveway before I started driving to the school. Genesis turned on the radio and flipped through the stations without another word. She ended up landing on my dad's radio station and I wanted to jump out of the car once I heard the song playing.

       I wasn't really going to jump out of the car, but still.

       "This song is amazing," Genesis said, her frown turning into a smile. "I heard it last night and was completely blown away."

       "Really?" I asked.

       "Yeah," she said. "Not only does this guy have an amazing voice, but the song is amazing and inspiring. It's what made me feel better after yesterday."

       I couldn't help but frown at that. I was the only person who ever made her feel better when she was upset, but now....Okay, technically, I still was since that was my song, but still. Her talking to me was the only way her mood lifted, and it was the only thing that made me feel special.

       "I really hope he comes forward," Genesis said. "He's crazy talented. A lot more than some of the celebrities out there. Did you hear the song last night?" I nodded. "What did you think about it?"

       "It's great," I said. "Really....something."

       Genesis looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

       "Why would you think something is wrong?" I asked.

       "I don't know, you just seem so....distant," she said. "Is everything okay?"

       "Yeah," I said. "It's just....Yeah, everything's okay."

       "You know you can trust me with anything, right?" she asked. "Anything...." When I didn't reply, she punched my shoulder. "Come on, say it. Anything...."

       I sighed. "And everything," I finished.

      "Exactly," she said. "So if something is bothering you, you can trust me."

      "Gen, I know," I said. "I would have told you otherwise. Everything is fine. Promise." I honestly felt a bit guilty for not telling her that I was the singer on the radio. We told each other everything, but I didn't want anyone knowing. 

       We got to the school and I pulled into the parking lot right as the first bell rang. When we were both out of the car and it was locked, she grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled me inside. 

      "We have time," I told her.

      "Not really," she said. "Mrs. Rush told me that if I'm late again, I'll have detention for a week. I can't have detention for a week!"

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