Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

       Friday night was the night where my songs that I recorded at Hunter's house were released. As soon as the first song started playing on the radio, I got a call from Genesis.

       "Is the radio on your dad's station?" was the first thing Genesis asked me when I answered the phone.

       "It is indeed on," I said.

       "Oh my gosh, he is such an amazing singer, isn't he?" she asked. "I really want him to reveal himself, Zander. He's just....he's so inspirational."

       "Yeah," I said.

       "Zander, hold on a second," she said. She pulled away from the phone for a bit before going back on. "Can I come over?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said. "Do you need me to pick you up?"

       "Please," she said.

       "Okay, I'll be there soon," I said before we hung up. Lately, she has been wanting to hang out a lot, even more than we ever did. And I knew it had nothing to do with her parents because she was never in the bad mood she was in when it had to do with her parents.

       I got up from my desk and headed downstairs to the front door. I put on my shoes and grabbed my car keys befored heading outside and to my car.

       Genesis was already waiting of her house and she walked over and got into the passenger seat. "Hey," she said giving me a smile.

       "Hi," I said, smiling back before driving back to my house. "Gen, what's going on?"

       "What are you talking about?" she asked.

       "Why do you always want to hang out with me?" I asked.

       "Uh, because you're my best friend," she said in a tone that told me it was obvious.

       But that's the thing. It wasn't obvious because I knew it had nothing to do with us being best friends. Maybe it was a tiny part, but it was not the main reason at all. Every day after school, she insisted on coming over, even when Chandler asked if she wanted to hang out with him. Ever time, she gave him an excuse like I already have plans or I have family coming over. Then she would come to my house.

       "Well, yeah," I said. "But you and I both know that it's not the only reason. Is everything okay between you and Chandler?"

       "Why wouldn't it be?" she asked.

       "Because you're always lying with him," I said. "You find excuses not to hang out with him and you come over to my house instead."

       "Everything's fine," she said.

       "Are you sure?" I asked.

       "Yeah," she said. It's just....Nothing. You wouldn't understand."

       "You'll never know until you tell me," I said.

       "I told you, it's something I want to keep to myself," she said.

       "Okay," I said.

       I pulled into the driveway of my house and we got out of the car. "It's times like these where I wish I had a car," she said. "I mean, I have my license but no, I'm not allowed to have a car because I'm too young." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "My mom had a car when she was sixteen and I'm seventeen right now. Anyway, can we watch a movie?"

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