Chapter 15

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This chapter might get a little intense. Just a heads up.

Chapter 15


       After school, Chandler met me at my and Zander's locker, though this time, he took a bit longer than he normally did. I was going to hang out with him at his house after school today.

       When he walked up to me, he smiled and kissed my cheek. "There's my girlfriend," he said. "You ready to go?"

       "Yeah," I said before following him out of the school and to his car. I climbed into the passenger seat, dropping my bag in the backseat.

       "So, I have a game next Friday," he said. "You're coming."

       "Don't I always?" I asked. That wasn't what I really wanted to say,but sometimes, I had to keep my mouth shut around him.

       I looked down at the bruise on my wrist, rubbing it gently. Chandler glanced at it before setting his eyes back on the road. "You should put some ice on that," he said. "It helps. Trust me, I had to ice some serious bruises from playing football."

       "I'll ice it when I get home," I said. "Thanks." I shouldn't be thanking him for the advice but if I didn't, he would probably get mad at me and tell me to do so. I was just saving time.

       As soon as we got to his house, I followed him inside and to his bedroom. "Want to watch a movie?" he asked.

       "Sure," I said.

       He picked out the movie, one that he always picked and I hated it. No matter how many times I told him I hated the movie, he still picked it.

       Chandler led me to his bed and we sat down on it while we watched the movie. I tried keeping my distance, but he would just keep scooting closer to me so I just gave up on moving away.

       Time was going by so slowly with this movie on, but there was nothing I could do about it. I had to be extremely bored and keep my eye on the TV.

       Chandler wasn't even interested in watching the movie. He brushed my hair to one side before pressing kisses onto my neck.I squirmed, making him pull away and look at me. "Come on, Gen," he said. I hated when he called me that. "Let's do something more interesting than watching this movie."

       He started kissing my neck again, but I gently pushed him away. "I'm really not in the mood," I said.

       "I bet I can put you in the mood," he said before hovering ocer me and starting to kiss my neck again. I tried pushing him off, but his grip on my waist was too strong.

       "Chandler, I'm not in the mood," I said. "Can you just stop?"

       "No," he muttered into my neck, each kiss feeling like poison.

       I tried getting him to stop again. "Chandler, just stop!"

       "Why?" he asked, pulling away to look at me. "Why are you always so against this?!"

       "Because I just am!" I said. "I'm not in the mood and you can't force me, so just stop it, okay?!"

       "No," he said. "I am your boyfriend and I have every right to kiss you if I want! So stop being such a baby!"

       I tried moving away from hin again, but he refused to release his grip on me. "Just let me go!"

       "No! You are always refusing! Why can't you let this happen?!"

Accidental Fame (Fame #4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora