Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

       I went to the studio on Saturday to help my dad out since that was usually the busiest day. However, nobody seemed to be doing anything. I walked around the building for a good ten minutes, seeing that every booth was completely empty, which was odd because quite a few people were scheduled to come in today.

       I found everyone in the meeting room, all talking to each other. I walked over to Dad. "What's going on?" I asked.

       "We're trying to find out who the mystery singer is," Dad said. They were still on that? "All the news stations and radio stations have been asking us who it is. Everyone loves him."

       "Okay, but shouldn't everyone be getting to work?" I asked.

       "Not really," Cannon spoke up. "They're literally nagging us into telling them who it is, but nobody knows. Everyone's discussing on possible suspects."

       "Suspects?" I asked. "You're making it sound like he committed a crime. Look, I get that he's a big deal right now, but don't you think there's a reason that he hasn't revealed himself yet?"

       "That's true," Cannon said. "But this guy is really talented. You wouldn't understand."

       "Cannon, that is my son you're talking about," Dad said in a warning tone.

       "No, it's true," I said. "I don't understand what the big deal is. If he isn't revealing himself, then he isn't revealing himself. You're all wasting time trying to figure out who it is."

       Dad sighed. "I suppose you're right. Fine, we won't sit around discussing it anymore, but we will try to keep in mind possible people of who it will be." Dad told everyone to get to work and to keep thinking about who the singer was. 

       "Zander, want to help me with my song?" Hunter asked. "It's either me or Cannon."

       "Oh, definitely you," I said. Not only was Hunter my favorite singer, but Cannon was just annoying. I was never helping Cannon with his songs again.

       "Ouch," Cannon said. "Alright, you'll just miss out on being in my presence."

       "Yeah, nobody misses out," Hunter said before walking out of the meeting room. I followed him into a recording booth and he closed the door. "So, I have a question."

       "What is it?" I asked as I started setting up the sound system.

       "Are you going to reveal yourself?" he asked.

       I furrowed my eyebrows, still working on the sound system. "What are you talking about?"

       "It took me a while," Hunter said, ignoring my question. "I thought a lot, wondering why that mystery singer sounded so familiar." I froze in my spot at those words. No. Please no.... "Then I asked your dad what booth the song was left in. It was the same one you were in with Cannon and Annalise, and the song was left there the same day after you left, and you were the last one. Not to mention you're the only one not caring about it. It's you, isn't it?"

       "N-no," I lied, though my stuttering just proved otherwise.

       "Why aren't you telling anyone?" Hunter asked.

       I sighed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

       "Because if you wanted people to find out, you would have told your dad by now," Hunter said. "Seriously. Why aren't you telling anyone? When you first asked me for an autograph, you said you wanted to be a singer. And you know what I wrote to you?"

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