Chapter 5

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The cover was created by ktovar1213 :)

Chapter 5

       On Friday after school, Genesis came to my house after school since we were going to the stupid movies today, and her parents were arguing once again.

       Her parents argued quite a lot, almost daily. At Genesis's house, there was always yelling and swearing and sometimes even physical damage. Her parents never laid a hand on each other, but they did throw stuff and broke a lot of things.

       Genesis sometimes got caught in the middle, and she actually received some of the physical damage. If she ever tried stepping in on one of her parents' argument....

       It has been going on even before Genesis and I met in kindergarten. I still remember that day. The day we might. I remember every single detail. The first words she said to me. What she was wearing. 

       We met on the first day at recess. We were both lonely kids. She spent her time on the swings, and I spent my time sitting by the school wall, playing with nothing but a stick. Genesis soon noticed me and skipped over happily, asking if I wanted to see the new marbles she got for her birthday. She took them out of her pink jacket and placed them right in front of us.

       We played with the dozen marbles she had for all of recess and when it ended, she gave me half of them, saying that friends share all the time.

       I still have them, sitting on my dresser.

       It wasn't until our first year of high school that I started developing feelings for her. And by the time we were juniors in high school, I fell in love with her.

       Now, we were seniors in high school with my hopeless feelings for her, and Cannon being a big douche bag by constantly hitting on her even though he was doing it was a joke. And doing it to bug me because he knew I liked her.

       About half an hour before the movie was going to start, Genesis and I left the house, telling my mom where we were going. We got into the car and once we were driving, Genesis turned on the stereo and put her favorite CD in that I left in the car just for her.

       Even though her favorite CD was Cannon Venturi....

       "Cannon is just so amazing," Genesis said. "He's so kind and thoughtful and...."

       "A big douche bag," I said.

       "What do you have against him?" she asked.

       "He's a douche bag, that's what I have against him," I said. "He's annoying and a know-it-all and...."

       "Very hot," Genesis said. "Cannon and I will get married in the future."

       "He's married," I said. "Remember? To the girl that won his heart six years ago?"

       "I don't care," Genesis said. 

       I sighed. "He's still a douche bag."

       "Oh, come on, he's sweet," Genesis said. "And I'm joking. I know I'm not going to marry him. Besides, Annalise is pregnant, so...."

       "Wait, Annalise is pregnant?" I asked. "Who told you?"

       "Cannon did," Genesis said. "The last time he came over and you were talking with Hunter, Cannon and I were talking and he told me Annalise is pregnant. He's really excited about it."

       "And he didn't tell me?" I asked. "I feel offended."

       "You really think he would tell you when you're always coming him a douche bag?" Genesis asked.

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