As she followed all the interns towards the locker room Cheryl felt someone grab onto her arm without turning around she already knew who it was.

            "Don't I get a hello Cheryl?"

            "If this involved my mam I don't want to hear it." Cheryl turned around facing the exit once more.

            "You have to talk to all of them eventually Cheryl they all think you're on the streets or worse possibly dead."

            "They deserve that, though don't they?"

            "They're family, your family."

            "Then tell me this, if they're family why did they throw me to the side, a family must stick with you through the hardest points in life, Uncle Bruce. What they did that isn't what a family is supposed to do."

            "I'll have to tell them eventually Cheryl."

            "You already saw my name on your intern list two months ago if you wanted to tell them you would have already 'chief'."

            Before the chief of surgery could speak once more Cheryl stepped out slamming the door as hard as she could; heading for the locker room. The locker room gave the brunette different vibes as the operating room did. She saw all the fresh meat surrounding her without making an expression on her face she claimed her locker beside a blonde intern.

            "Hey brunette who did you get?"

            Cheryl looked up seeing the blonde next to her locker facing her waiting for an answer. "Uh Williams, you?"            

            "Sweet! Same! I'm Lily England by the way." She stuck out her hand.

            "Cheryl. Cheryl Cole." She shook the blondes hand.

            "You're not originally from here, are you?" Lily asked noticing quickly at the panic on the brunette's face.

            "Is it that obvious?"

            "Clearly, but you don't need to panic no one here really cares all they want is some blood on their hands really."

            As two other women besides her and Lily gathered around a shorter woman she became curious as to who the others are.

            "Welcome welcome. I'm Williams best known to others as the short but killing surgeon. You are my group of fresh meat. The group I need to train and mold into the best surgeons out there possible. Now when I page you, the correct way is to run no walking from you four understood? When I want you to be on someone's service don't give me your opinion agree with me and follow what I say. I only make my choices to benefit you in the end you as interns have no input now. As you look around many of the attending's and the head of the departments will look at you and make bets. I can tell you now all four of you have a bet attached to their name." This intrigued Cheryl. "You Harding." Williams pointed to the platinum blonde. "They're waiting to see how long it will take for you to take down another intern and make them cry, you have an intimidating look and approach to you which I love." Harding smirked and nodded towards their attending. "Roberts. Everyone here including me is waiting to see how long you will last until you break down and cry." The ginger one put her head down gaining a rub on her back from Harding. "England. You're everyone's peg for the new plastics girl we have your file on record and we were all surprised to why you picked this hospital of all. Don't let me down and don't mess up you are one of the few in the bunch I don't hate. Yet." Lily sighed quietly being relieved she didn't get a bad bet on her hands. "Cole. The British one. Your bet doesn't surprise me at all not one bit. They're all seeing who you'll sleep with first."

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