And I had waited. I put the test face down and I just stared at it. For longer than needed. Picking up my phone, I dialed the office number. Before Allison could speak, I told her to get in the bathroom of our room ASAP. 

She had came in quickly as I sat on the toilet. "I can't look," I said pointing to the test. She picked it up and looked to me. "Is it good?" 

"Depends on what good would be to you," she said. 

"Anything. I don't know." 

She showed me and there it was. It was a face looking at me. It looked like it had devil horns, but that's just because I drew them on in my mind. It was a smile face. Meaning, chances are, I was pregnant. With Jack's child. I hung my head and shook it. It had to be a false positive. There was no possible way that this could have been happening to me. 

"When do we leave?" I asked through trembling lips. 

"Lunch sound good?" Lunch. Reminded me of food and how much I didn't want to eat. I nodded anyway and just sat there, staring at the test. That evil fucking thing was laughing at me. If I happened to be pregnant, it was my own fault, not taking any measures to prevent it recently. 

After a while, I decided to get dressed. I put on some jeans and a long shirt with my flats. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and lifted my shirt, imagining myself being pregnant. I pushed out my stomach and poked at it a bit. I was not ready for this at all. 

Walking out of the bathroom, I grabbed my bag and phone, and looked to Allison. I pointed to the car after I signed out, telling her I'd be waiting for her. She had nodded and I just looked at my phone, going through all the pictures of Jack and I. I missed him, but what if he just wanted to say he would be there, just so I'd come back? And then chicken out as time came close to d-day?

Allison walked out and got in as we drove to the clinic. There was nothing but silence and I just sighed. I wasn't ready for this, and what would happen to my job? 

We arrived and got out, walking through the doors. There was a girl in a patterned shirt with a smile on her face. "How can I help you?" 

"I need some blood work done," I said as she handed me a clipboard and a pen. 

"Just fill this out and we will call you back when you finish." 

I headed back to my seat next to Allison who had already sat down, and started to fill everything out. After about 20 minutes, I handed her back the clipboard as she overlooked it and told me to come to the back with her. I motioned Allison to come back with me and we went through the big door that she had opened for us as she told me to sit in a car with one arm rest. 

She had told me the usual and going over what would happen. She'd take my blood and it'd take a week to process everything, then they'll give me a call with the results, that could be mailed or received in person. I nodded as she wrapped a band around my arm and I turned the other way. Allison held onto my hand as she took an alcohol wipe and cleaned the area, finally getting out the needle. "I'm going to poke you in... three, two, one," as she drove the needle in my arm. I twitched my foot and gripped Allison's hand as she nodded, "Good, you're doing good, just one more tube," she said switching them out. She put a cotton ball over the needle and pulled it out. "Hold that, please," she said as I nodded and she took tape, placing it over the site that had been poked. 

I always hated getting shots. It's not like they hurt, but I could hear the sound it made when it pierced your skin, and it just always made me cringe. 

We walked out and went back to the office, and I decided to clock in to help Allison with the desk work, since there seemed to have been a lot of paper work to be filed. That and to take my mind off of Jack. 

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