17 - Sign Language

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~Two Years Later~

Gabe walked into the apartment that him and Sam now shared. Sam had graduated college and moved in with Gabe right after that, and now was taking whatever quiet jobs he could. Which including working shifts with Gabe at the fandom shop and letting Gabe do all the talking.

However when they were alone, Sam would talk. Over time he'd gotten more comfortable with it, and would now talk completely normally with Gabe around, and sometimes even with his friends. And because of this sudden burst in confidence, he occasionally even spoke to strangers.

Today marked their two year anniversary. And Gabe had a slight little plan to do.

"Heya Sammy," Gabe called out as he walked in.

Sam appeared around the corner with a smile on his face. "Hey Gabe." Gabe smiled and walked over to bring Sam into a chaste kiss, which Sam smiled into. "Happy two year anniversary by the way."

"Thanks for putting up with me for two years," Gabe said with a wink. Sam chuckled lightly and ruffled Gabe's hair. Gabe just pouted and tried to fix it, which Sam watched with an adoring look. Gabe just shook his head at him but couldn't hide his smile.

"Okay so," Gabe said. "We are going out later and you get no say in the matter. Like just to the park or something."

Sam smiled. "I'm fine with that. Any particular reason?"

"It's our anniversary you idiot," Gabe said, nudging Sam.

"Well yeah but I meant beyond that," Sam said with a wink. Gabe just chuckled and walked off into the kitchen. "You didn't say no!" Sam called after him.

"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise!" Gabe called back. Sam just smiled and followed Gabe to the kitchen. "Okay so I'm going over to Charlie's okay? I'll be back in a few hours."

"And I'm not invited?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She has a thing she wants to talk to me about," Gabe said. "I don't know what it is so..." Sam nodded.

"See you later then," Sam said, leaning down to kiss Gabe softly again. Gabe smiled before walking out of the apartment.


"Oh my god Charlie help me what if I mess it up?" Gabe asked, his head in his hands.

"You'll be fine," Charlie said. "You've been planning this for months."

"Planning makes it sound like I did I lot more," Gabe said. "I just...you know I suck at this."

"I know but I taught you," Charlie said. "And I'm a hella good teacher."

Gabe chuckled. "Yeah but still..."

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Just don't do something really stupid like forget the ring or something."

"It's in my pocket and I am not taking it out of my pocket," Gabe said. "If I forgot it then...yeah no."

Charlie smiled. "You'll be fine okay? It's Sam. You can't mess up any more than you did that one time."

"We do not speak of that," Gabe said. "I still can't believe I said that..."

"It was two years ago and worked out for the better," Charlie said. "Don't hate yourself for it now."

Gabe sighed. "I know. Stop being right."

"Such a task is impossible," Charlie said. "Now, go home and propose to your damn boyfriend."

"Gladly, you're getting boring anyway," Gabe said. Charlie shoved him as he stood up.


"So remember our first date?" Gabe asked as he and Sam walked hand in hand through the park. "We came here."

"After we went to Ellen's," Sam said, quiet enough that most people around wouldn't be able to hear him. "You were talking enough for the both of us."

"Hells yeah I was," Gabe said. "You quiet person."

"Oh you know I'm not quiet," Sam said with a wink.

"My god Sam are you trying to kill me?" Gabe asked, shoving Sam lightly. Sam chuckled lightly and put his arm around Gabe's shoulder.

Eventually they reached a secluded spot and Gabe stopped there, breathing deeply. Sam gave him a confused look.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah of course," Gabe said, smiling slightly. "Never better." He turned to face Sam, taking both Sam's hands in his. "So Sammy...you probably guessed I had some other reason for bringing you out here."

"It was pretty obvious," Sam said with a small loving smile.

"Of course it was," Gabe replied. "So we've been dating two years now. These have been the two best years of my life, and I can't imagine life without you now. I know I've done some stupid things..."

"But I forgave you," Sam said. Gabe smiled lightly.

"You are way too nice to me," Gabe said. "But I did something stupid. And we kept having that communication problem..."

"We got through it," Sam said.

"I know, let me finish," Gabe said. "So that's the only real problem we've ever had. The fact that I couldn't understand sign language...but anyway. Sammy I love you. So..."

And Gabe got down on one knee and let go of Sam's hands. Not to reach into his pocket and pull out the ring yet. But instead to make a few specific hand movements, a language that Sam would understand. Sign language, learnt specifically for this.

Will you marry me?

And then Gabe pulled out the ring and held it out to Sam. Sam's eyes had gone wide when Gabe had spoken sign language.

"Gabe, Gabriel, yes," Sam said, taking the ring with tears in his eyes before pulling Gabe up and kissing him. Gabe smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Sam's neck.

"You learnt sign language," Sam said as he pulled away slightly to smile widely at Gabe.

"Yeah, it was hard and took ages and I'm still not very good," Gabe said. "But...anything for you Sammy."

Sam smiled and kissed Gabe again. "Gabe...I love you."

"I love you too Sammy."


I'm sooooo sorry that it's been almost two months since I updated and I'm sorry the only way I could continue was with a time skip that means the end is near...but my motivation levels died. It is back now though

I got really sick last week and it was torture. I also got a boyfriend??? I am literally talking to him on skype as I type this. 

Oo and I'm going on a holiday to Queensland this weekend for four days, that's like the most holidays we ever get but it's gonna be great :D

*Gives everyone two months worth of whatever the hell you guys damn want coz you guys deserve it*

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