1 - A Silent Introduction

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Gabriel Novak looked around his workplace with disinterest. He worked at what was essentially a fandom shop, they had something for every fandom. The place was even called Fandomania.

Gabe liked it, he really did. But at the moment he was just kinda bored.

"Oh come on Gabe," Charlie said from across the shop where she was rearranging things. "Stop being boring."

"I'm not being boring," Gabe said.

"Oh you totally are."

"Am not."

"Wow, such a creative response."

"Oh like you can talk," Gabe said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay," Charlie said, walking over to the counter where Gabe was. "I'll give you this lollipop if you cheer up." She held out a lollipop and Gabe's eyes lit up.

"Okay deal now gimme," Gabe said. Charlie laughed and gave it to the now smiling Gabriel.

"Our shift is over in five minutes," Charlie said. "Should probably get ready to leave." Gabe nodded.

Gabriel Novak was twenty three years old, recently graduated college and lived in a small apartment somewhere. He loved his job at Fandomania, simply because of all the people he got to meet from all different fandoms, who he could talk to about fandoms. Yeah he was a complete nerd.

His best friend, Charlie Bradbury, also worked there. And if it was possible, she was more of a nerd than he was.

"Hurry up bitch," Charlie said. "While you were letting the author explain things the shift ended."

"Oh whatever," Gabe said, shoving Charlie playfully before walking into the rooms for the staff behind the store.

A few minutes later he was walking out with his stuff and Charlie was waiting, talking to the two people who had taken over their shift.

"Took you long enough," Charlie said, walking alongside Gabe as they left the shop. "Wanna be awesome and give me a lift home?"

"Shouldn't you get a license?" Gabe asked.

"Should, can't be bothered."


"Nah, too many shows to be watching."

"Can't argue with that," Gabe said with a smile as they reached his car.

Gabe drove Charlie home before driving back to his own apartment. His own very lonely apartment.


Sam rolled his eyes at his brother who was making immature jokes. He made hand movements to which Dean bitch faced him.

"Who cares if I'm older?" Dean said. "I'm not gonna grow up."

Sam just rolled his eyes again. Him and Dean were just sitting in a coffee shop somewhere. They didn't see each other much anymore since Sam was always busy with college classes, but Dean visited him as much as he could.

Sam Winchester was twenty two, his older brother Dean being four years older than him. Sam however had a bit of a thing...He was mute. Well, he had selective mutism. His family didn't really know how it started, although they believed it was because of some sort of anxiety disorder that ran in the family.

Dean was the only one Sam really talked to. John Winchester had tried to help him, but Sam wouldn't talk to him. He had however taught Sam sign language as an alternate form of communication. Dean was always the one who spoke up for Sam and protected him.

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