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"Where are you going Liam?" Zayn questioned a bit irritated. He had planned a proper romantic day today as it was a Sunday and he had already left the kids at Liam's parents place after they had their lunch.

"I got a call from Anton. You remember him? He's got a gig in town and he wants me to come. Will you come? Please zayn?" Liam babbled on. Zayn was beyond frustrated and hearing his name.

"I don't think I should come. I've got some work to do and besides I'm too tired" Zayn said monotonously.

"It's okay Zayn. I understand. But call me yeah? If anything" Liam said sighing.

"And you'll call me too if anything happens. I know that Anton guy. The way he used to look at you" Zayn said as he walked towards Liam placing both the hands on his shoulders and brought him closer. 

"Nothing would happen I promise. And besides he's changed now. He's become a popular DJ or something. He even changed his name to Zedd" Liam started babbling again.

"Yeah yeah okay Liam. Quit talking about the Zedd guy and now kiss your Zee before you leave, yeah?" Zayn said smirking.

Liam giggled and kissed his husband deeply.

"You're such a sap Zee. I love you so much" Liam said as he brushed his thumb across Zayn's now red lips.

"A sap only for you Mr. Malik"

"Don't say that now. You know how much it turns me on. You're such a cheeky bastard Zayn. I hate you" Liam said in mock annoyance.

"Don't say that Mr. Malik. And you love me" Zayn said knowingly and started kissing Liam's neck.

"Again with Mr. Malik! Yeah yeah I love you. I love you so much.Now leave me" Liam said pushing Zayn playfully.

"Not unless you repeat what I say. Only then I'll let you go" Zayn said cheekily.

"Repeat after me. I love my husband, the father of my kids, my lover, my life, my everything, so much" Zayn said still holding Liam's hands.

"I love my husband, the father of my kids, my lover, my life, my everything, so much" Liam said as he giggled in between uncontrollably.

"Okay now you can go. But call me if anything Li" Zayn said concerned.

"Yes I will Zee. Bye. Love you" Liam said walking out of the door.

"Come early. Don't leave your old husband for long. Love you too" Zayn said shouting after him. Liam turned at laughed like a lunatic at Zayn's statement.

"I wish he'd stay with me and that with that Zedd bitch" Zayn mumbled to himself after watching Liam leave in their car.


It had a few hours since Liam left. Zayn had made himself dinner. And was working on his laptop when his phone vibrated. Zayn was quick enough to take the call thinking it might be from Liam. But it was Louis.

"Yeah Lou?"

"Check the internet bro"


"Your husband's all over it. Partying with THE ZEDD"

"What the hell! I didn't know Anton would be that famous. He used to be close to Li in high school" Zayn said I quickly opened Google and typed his name.

Louis laughed on the other end.

"One article says 'Zedd parties with a new hot lad. Is he the new boy toy?' What the hell he's my f ucking husband"

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