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Couldn't resist this old image.

Ziam and kids day out. ^,^


Malik Sundays were the family's favorite thing in the world.  The kids got to spend time with both their parents and do fun stuff together. 

Liam was up early than expected that day.  He was busy preparing everything required for the family's day out. He had packed a bag full of food with different kinds of mints, candies, chocolates and crisps. After all sometimes a cheat day is fine.  He also packed some other dry snacks and packs of various capri-sun flavours.

Since  morning, Liam was in a full-time mumma mode. He wanted to forget everything that happened the other day and wanted to enjoy with the kids.  For him nothing was more blissful than watching his loved ones happy and content. It was highly unlikely that the kids and Zayn were going to wake up anytime soon. At least that's what Liam thought.  I frustrated moan left his mouth when he remembered the things he still had to do. Which included cleaning up the bedrooms and and getting the kids ready. First I'll wake Zayn up. Then go to the kids. Liam thought before walking upstairs.

He heard some hushed sounds coming from their bedroom. Then he heard snickering and guffawing coming from inside the bathroom. He enter the bathroom, and there they were, his husband bathing his two kids. Chad and Zylen were all bubbled up as Zayn tickled them while washing them carefully. Liam's heart swelled in adoration and his grinned extended ear to ear.

"Now enough. We'll have to be quick before Dadda comes up." Zayn said in a voice full of mock anger.
Chad started giggling again, Zylen was too small to get a thing but seeing his elder brother he laughed as well.
"What?" Zayn asked frowning and confused.
"Daddy is standing behind you paa" Chad laughed while he talked.
Zayn turned around seeing Liam standing against the door, hands folded.

"I was trying to help you." Zayn shrugged scratching the back of his neck with soapy hand.


Chad and Liam were already through with their fifth ride. Zayn was happy with carrying Zylen around and taking him to baby rides. Zayn wasn't a riding person, really. Pun intended.

After a couple of rides, Zylen was too knackered to play and fool around anymore. The moment the last ride started, he started crying hysterically. Zayn wasn't able to handle a crying baby. He was screaming his lungs out for his Daddy.

Liam rushed back with Chad to where Zayn was consoling crying Zylen.

"Shh baby it's okay. Now daddy's here. No need to cry" Liam whispered into Zylen ear as he cradled him in his arms soothingly.

Zylen had stopped crying after a few minutes and dozed off so Liam decided to place him in the pram. He sighed and looked towards Zayn who was had a playful pout on his face.

"You're always so good with the kids " Zayn huffed in annoyance.

"Oh Zee! Come here!" Liam said while making grabby hands towards him. Zayn obliged and buried his face in the crook of his neck and sighed.

"You're a very good father, son, husband, lover, best friend an-"

"Okay okay. Shut up." Zayn cut him off playfully. Their lovey dovey moment was disturbed by their eldest son.

"Papa! Daddy! You told I get ice cream." Chad said annoyed.

"Yeah let's go buddy. We'll  get you one." Zayn announced as he got up from his position.

"Let's go then!" Liam exclaimed as he pushed Zylen's pram while Zayn placed an over excited Chad on his hip.
They eventually had to walk half a mile to get to the nearest ice cream shop. But when you're getting ice cream in the end, no one complains.


They were sitting on a bench near the ice cream shop after buying ice cream for Chad. Zayn bought an ice cream for himself, as the baby he is.

"Chad don't get the ice cream all over your brother's face. Let him sleep. Come sit here." Liam reprimanded him. His fatherly/motherly instincts acting in full force.
At this, Chad nodded pouting and sat beside Zayn, licking his chocolate chip ice cream gaily.

Liam attention averted towards Zayn's face. He was moving his index finger in and out of the mouth as if trying to lick off the remaining ice cream. Liam bit his lower lip, trying not to moan.

"What are you doing Zee?!" Liam exasperated. Fully knowing what his husband was up to.

"What? I'm having my ice cream!" Zayn said frowning, in an attempt to act innocent. He was trying hard to control his laughter.

"Oh Zee. I know you very well. Now stop that. I don't want a boner in a public place." Liam whispered through gritted teeth.

Liam was mentally cursing. They hadn't done the deed in a while. So it was mutual.

Liam's cheeks heated up as he tried to busy himself in cleaning Chad who had cream all over the face, trying not to think of the things his wild mind was planning on. Oh! What Zayn could with those magical fingers of his, Liam thought.


They were going back home after a long exhausting day at the park.
The back seat was occupied by Zylen with his car seat and Chad. Zylen was asleep since then and Chad himself was pretty knackered to be honest. So both of them were asleep peacefully.

Zayn was driving while Liam sat beside him.
Zayn glanced towards Liam then quickly moved his eyes towards the road.

"Are you fine babe?" Zayn asked frowning a bit.

"Yes I am okay." Liam sighed as he took Zayn's spare hand and squeezed it in an assuring manner.

Zayn grinned showing his teeth before saying, "That's what I wanted to hear."

"Now about the thing you were doing while having your ice cream. We're doing it when we go home." Liam announced.

Zayn glanced at Liam once more and both of them laughed at their antics.





And comment.

Thenks xx


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