Turtles X Reader Photo Album

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It was time for some spring cleaning at the turtle lair, Leonardo and Raphael cleaned the living room, Donatello cleaned his lab, Michelangelo cleaned the kitchen, and you were left with the dojo.  It was big but wasn't so bad all you did was dust and vacuum, though you had a feeling you were going to be here for a while.  While you were vacuuming, you accidently bumped into the alter causing a couple of the items on top to tip over and something inside fell over.  You turned off the vacuum to fix up the stuff on top then opened the cabinet to make sure nothing was damaged or anything.  When you looked inside, you saw that a large red book had fallen halfway open.  You were about to set it back up but you noticed there were some polaroid photos on the pages.  Your curiosity got the better of you so you sat down and began to look through it.  There were pictures of the turtles when they were little and you had to admit, they looked pretty darn adorable.  You sat down and got yourself comfortable as you continued to look at the photos.  As you went through a couple more pages and got so absorbed into the album you didn't hear someone enter the dojo and walk up behind you.

"______," a voice suddenly said.

You jumped and turned your head to see Master Splinter standing behind you.  "Oh hi Master Splinter," you smiled sheepishly.

He looked at the large book you had in your lap, "I see you have found my old photo album."

"Yeah sorry, I was vacuuming then I bumped into the cabinet and you know the rest."

"That is alright and besides, I have not looked through this in quite a while," Master Splinter said as he sat down next to you and proceeded to look through the album.

"Umm Master Splinter, how'd you get the pictures?"

"I found an old camera in one of the sewer turtles that still worked and decided to make some memories," he explained.

You saw a picture of Michelangelo up close and personal with the camera making it look like it went off in his face, "What's that one?"

"Oh, that was when I first found the camera and as you can see Michelangelo was very curious and it went off in his face."

Master Splinter showed you pictures of the turtles doing everything from playing, napping, and even training.  Some you couldn't help but find down right adorable.  You giggled at some of the sillier pictures like, making faces, making a mess, and other shenanigans kids get in to.  There was a picture of Donatello when he was about five or six and it showed him sleeping almost face first into a science book.  Michelangelo, was playing with some action figures and another one of him making a mess in the kitchen.  You even saw a picture of Leonardo and Raphael sleeping on the couch side by side.  Master Splinter even told you a few stories behind some of the photos from funny to sweet.

About ten minutes later, the turtles came in to see if you finished cleaning or to see if you needed any help.  They immediately took notice that you and Master Splinter were sitting on the floor talking.  Then Master Splinter said something and you started giggling. 

"Uh what's so funny?"  Leonardo asked, you turned around with a big grin on your face.

"Hey guys I had no idea you were this adorable~," you giggled.

The turtles came closer to peak over your shoulder and they all let out a gasp.

"Aww Sensei why?!"  They all groaned.

"I did not do anything, ______ found it," Master Splinter replied, the turtles turned their attention toward you.

"It was an accident I swear," you said defensively.  Michelangelo took a closer look at the page you and Master Splinter were currently on and smiled.

"Aw look how cute I was, no wait, I'm still the cute one," Michelangelo beamed.

You giggled, "That's true."

"Oh look at this one," Michelangelo pointed at a picture of Donatello trying to make a potato powered clock.

"That was my first experiment," Donatello said.

"How long did it last?"  You asked.

"About a day or so, it was an old potato I found in the sewers," Donatello replied.

You turned the page to see a picture of Raphael with a very upset expression and his arms firmly crossed.

"Aww look at Raph's little pouty face," Leonardo grinned.

"Shut up," Raphael glared.

The guys laughed while you turned the page, Raphael looked and smirked, "Oh yeah?  Well take look at our fearless leader."

They stopped for a moment looked at the picture Raphael was referring to.  It showed Leonardo standing on the couch with his ducky blanket tied around his neck like a superhero with his hands at his sides.  Leonardo felt his face turn red with embarrassment as you and his brothers giggled at the picture.  He remembered at the time he saw this superhero cartoon and decided to dress like one for the fun of it. 

"Still playing the hero role aren't ya," Raphael grinned, Leonardo glared at him.

Master Splinter turned the page and smiled, "Boys, do you remember this one?"

They all paused and looked at the picture, it showed all of them wearing their individual colored masks.  "Oh yeah, that was the day we got our ninja masks," Leonardo said.

Raphael nodded, "Yeah, and we even started training with our weapons for the first time."

"Good times bros," Michelangelo sighed.

"Yeah," Donatello agreed.

"And look at you guys now," you said, Master Splinter nodded with a warm smile.

All of you settled yourselves on the floor and continued to look through the album until the last page which showed them their mutation day before they went up to the surface for the first time.  Master Splinter closed the album and sighed, he thought about adding more photos only this time you, April, even Casey will be included.

"Hey, since we're done, how about we order some pizza and chill," Leonardo suggested.

"Yes pizza!"  Michelangelo fist pumped into the air.

"Yeah, all that cleaning has made me hungry," Raphael agreed.

"Me too," you said.

"Same here," Donatello said.

Before you, Master Splinter, and the turtles got up off the floor, April came into the dojo. 

"Hi guys, what's going on?"  She asked.

"Hey April, come check this out," you said opening the album.

"No!"  The turtles yelled in unison.

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