Donatello X Reader Drawing Lesson

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It was another day when you came down to the lair, you set down your backpack, pulled out your sketch pad, and began to draw. You had a crush on Donatello since you met him but you knew he already had a crush on April. A few minutes later, the purple-clad turtle approached you and made a little cough sound to get your attention.

You looked up and smiled, "Hey Donnie."

"Hey _____, could I ask you for a favor?" Donatello asked timidly.

"Sure, what is it?" You replied.

"I was wondering, could you help me draw people?"

This sounded a little odd to you because you knew he could draw, very well in fact. You've seen some of his little drawings and blueprints all over the lab. You honestly thought he was pretty good himself but you couldn't help but wonder why he was asking you?

You tilted your head to one side, "Really? I thought you can draw people really well."

"Yeah but I wanted to improve some my drawing skills in that category," Donatello said while rubbing the back of his head.

You thought about it and nodded, "Ok, I'll see what I can do."

"Really? I mean, thanks," Donatello said with a slight blush on his face.

You brought over some art books the next day and you two would sit and sketch. You taught him a few of the basics you started out with, and what you did overtime. A week went by and he was improving at a great pace. You two sat in his lab and drew, you would look up at the purple clad turtle from time to time. When you looked up again he was looking right at you and quickly looked down on his sketch pad. It was pretty quiet in the lab for about a half an hour, you noticed Donnie was looking quite focused on what he was drawing.

"What are you drawing by the way?" You asked breaking the silence.

Donatello blushed, "Umm, it's not a what it's more of a who to be exact."

"Ok, who are you drawing?"

"Uhh no one in particular," Donatello replied.

"Come on who is it?" You asked almost whining.

"It's just a random person nothing more nothing less," Donatello said while clutching his sketch pad in his arms.

"Then why can't I at least take a look?" You asked as you leaned in closer.

"Because...It's not done yet that's why."

"Let me at least take a peak at it," you said with a mischievous gleam in your (colored) eyes.

"Like I said it's not done yet," Donatello held the sketch pad closer to his plastron.

"Alright, you asked for it."

You rushed at him and wrestled the sketch pad out of his hands. When you finally got it, Donatello tried to get it back but you held it out of his reach. You turned to the latest page your eyes went wide. At first you thought it was going to be a picture of his crush April but to your surprise, it was actually a picture of you. The picture was done in pencil but it had such amazing detail. From the shape of your face, eyes, and hair looked absolutely perfect. You continued to stare at the sketch in awe for a few more seconds until you spoke.

"Is this what you were working on this whole time?" You asked.

"Yes, do you like it." Donatello blushed.

"I love it, this looks amazing," you said in awe.

"Thanks, I worked really hard getting the details just right," Donatello rubbed the back of his neck.

You look away from the drawing toward the olive green turtle, "Donnie, was this the reason you asked me to help you draw?"

Donnie nodded, "That and I'd thought it could be something that we could do together."

"But I...I thought you liked April," you said.

"I like April but, I really like you a lot," Donnie blushed again.

"Really?" You asked, Donnie nodded.

You looked back at the drawing and back at Donnie who was blushing even harder than before.

"Donnie, I really like you a lot too," you replied, blushing as well.

Donatello was about to take back his sketch pad until you moved it further out of his reach. When he tried to reach for it again, you leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. His reddish-brown eyes shot wide and then slowly closed. The purple-clad turtle wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in closer. You both pulled away after a few seconds but you two were still holding on to each other.

"So, do you still want me to help you out with your drawing skills?" You asked.

"Of course, but I do need a little help with something," Donatello replied.

"Oh, what's that?"

*The next day*

Raphael walked into Donatello's lab and noticed he was getting his drawing supplies ready for when ______ shows up.

"So, what are you and ______ up to now?" Raphael asked.

Donatello smiled, "______ will be here in a few minutes, I just need to make sure I have everything set up for our next drawing session. I even convinced ______ to do a little posing for me."



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