Capitulo Four!

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Author's note: No picture, just cause I suck :D haha I made major and minor edits to previous chapters. I seriously love this chapter. It gives background info on Claire (her picture will be up soon!), some 'delicious' info on James, and the sarcastically witty thoughts of Ellie, our ever-present heroine, who... always... needs... a... nap, for some reason. Some underlying disease? Pshaw! No. She's just stressed out.

End of Author's Note!

~~~~~~~~~ PS: Don't Aria and Ezra make THE best forbidden couple on TV? I seriously love him;he's adorable, she's so pretty too! Aria is definitely my favorite PLL.~~~~~~~

I sat there for who knows how long until passing headlights reminded me where I was. I awkwardly scrambled up, my legs tingling because they fell asleep. Seriously? Why can't they stay awake until I go to sleep? Wouldn't that be easier? I opened the door, hurrying up the stairs. When I got to my room, I slowed, wading through clothes- laundry day today- to the full-length gold painted mirror, gently touching my lips. Did they taste any differently? I eyed myself in the mirror warily. They sure *looked* different. Slightly red, damp lips and flushing cheeks told me I hadn't imagined it. He was my first kiss. What. Did. I. Do?! Downstairs, a door slammed and James yelled, "Ellie-e! We're ho-ome!"

After I heard that, shock hit and panic set in. I was so screwed. I was dressed way too fancy to just be at Claire's all day, and I was a horrible liar. I could get away with it if no one was looking but they would be looking right at me.

"Shh! James!" Katie quickly whisper-scolded, "She might be sleeping."

"Oh... right," he whispered, padding his way up.

Before I could even process the words, my instincts kicked in, years of sneaking Claire in and out had honed my ears and my body already knew what to do, even if my brain couldn't comprehend the words that would kick it in, and I was running, turning off lights and awkwardly tugging on my pajamas. Hearing James pause near the top of the stairs, I froze for a second before diving under the covers, tightening them around my neck, and holding my breath, heart pounding like crazy.

He carefully opened my door and peeked in. I struggled to regulate my breathing, as he smiled, one hand rumpling his hair nicely. In. Out. In. Out. Then his face turned puzzled and he muttered, "I could've sworn I heard something." he frowned and I guiltily shrank back. In. Out. In. Out.

He closed the door and I sighed, my first actual breath since he walked in.


I woke up with an oh-so-attractive yawn and bed head like you wouldn't believe. Futily attempting to brush it only proved to anger the hair gods because it looked worse when I finished. Giving up, I headed into the kitchen and made a beeline for the coffeepot. Barely stifliing a yawn, I poured a cup and sat down, adding in milk and sugar.

Unfortunately for me-since I was planning to have the best day since I found out-, my bleary eyesight decided to sharpen and focus on the misshapen blur in front of me. Katie. She looked at my cup, disapproval warring with the fact that she had coffee too. Hypocrite. She decided not to speak and took a sip when I did, clearing her throat to start talking.

"Ellie," she said, gently blowing into her cup, "Li-"

"-Hold up," I cut her off, "Where's Linda?"

She frowned. "MOM. And your mother went back to her office in L.A. for a bit, then she'll come back permanently for the unwed future."

It was too early for her to use words I barely understood at my best. "Un-wha? And why'd she go back?"

"UnWED. And she has to pack some stuff to survive."

"Fine. UnWED. What's that?"

"Those were her words not mine," she clarified, placing her cup on the table, "And I'm pretty sure that she wants to make sure everything between you and James is smooth like her botox. Wouldn't do to have a daughter in an unhappy marriage."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2012 ⏰

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