Capitulo Two (Picture of Linda)

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A/N: I really wanted Chapter 2 to cut off at the POV switch back to Ellie's but that part was still under construction at the time. >_< Sorry! Anyway, carry on.

PS: It's still James' POV


I sobered up. "Why not?" I asked her curiously, "It's not like we're related or anything. Not that I want to," I added quickly, scrunching my face up in disgust. "But I have been told I am AMAZING in bed," I told her teasingly, waggling my eyebrows suggestively.

She snorted. "Yeah right. Just like you were told you'd be hot," She retorted, laughing.

I was grinning at her when the garage door to our Manhattan house opened and her eyes turned icy cold. I panicked. What was Mom doing back so early? I just needed a few more minutes and she'd be fine!

"Hello Sweetie!" Mom greeted, then she turned to Ellie, "Hello, Ellie. How are you feeling? Nevermind that, I have someone who I think you'll want to meet. Come in!" She said, smiling brightly.

Ellie bared her teeth, subtly shifting into a fighter's stance, poised to attack, or run. I quickly reached out and took her hand, poking her ribs and shaking my head "No".

Not worth it, I mouthed silently to her.

She just turned away from me, facing the incoming click clack of stilettos, perfume already burning my nose with the intensity of it. God, what was it? Eau de make me want to puke?

"Hello, Elizabeth," A voice mocked. "Nice to know you kept the name you were born with."

************************************Ellie's POV***********************************

"Hello, Elizabeth," A voice- a woman's voice- mocked. " Nice to know you kept the name you were born with."

Mom-Katie, now?- wrung her hands, like she had thought this was a good idea up until it happened. Six-inch stiletto heels clicked into view and I caught my first look at this blonde haired, blue eyed demon. No offense, I'm not prejudice, but what's wrong with a blonde haired, BROWN eyed person? Nothing, that's what.

I stared at this woman, her body nice and toned with an even tan, golden dusting covering her every inch of uncovered skin. I briefly wondered if she was like that all over her body, my ears ringing with the shock of what she'd said and of how she looked. Unbelievable. We had the same facial structure, unlike Katie, who's cheeks were sunken and low. We shared the same ringlets hanging off our faces, unlike Katie's limp and straight hair. We even shared the same mannerisms. I noticed her posture at the same time she noticed mine. We were both standing straight and tall, each of us ready to run.

"Elizabeth?" I whispered brokenly, unable to take my eyes off of her face, "My name's not Elizabeth, it's... It's Elliana."

Her-and my?- perfect model features twisted into a strange combination of emotions, each one flitting across after another: Sadness, loneliness, anger, and brimming curiosity. Her head whipped around- not a hair out of place- so fast it was a blur as she faced my surrogate mother, "You changed her name. You hid her from me for FIFETEEN years. Why? Why didn't you let me see her?" The woman's face crumpled as Mom turned to me.

"Ellie," Katie (A/N: JAMES' MOM!!!) said softly, "Ellie, this is her... Your REAL mom."

And though I already knew the truth, knew who she was, it hit me like a ton of bricks. And though I couldn't react, James did. For in that instant that I learned the truth, my vision blurred and he wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me, whispering two words that I'd wished someone would say.

"I'm here," He whispered.


"So tell me again why you're here?" I asked her in between bites of my emergency panic chocolate. Sue me. I'm a girl. It's a proven fact that women can't live without chocolate.

Torn in TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora