Chapter 7

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Be with me forever.
Carry my childeren.
And love me forever.
I love you.

I wake up with her beside me. We didn't do anything shifty. We were fully clothed, her crown was set on the stand beside her, she was curled up beside me. I held her in a protective hug. I could still smell her vanilla perfum.

She stretches under my embrace. "Hmmm" her bones crack. She yawns.

"Good morning Princess" I smile.

She sleepily smiles back, she so adorable. Her hair was a mess, "how was your sleep?" I ask.

"The best I've ever had, can I please keep this bed?"

I laugh.

"The bed I have at home is so uncomfteable, this just sinks. And it's soooo uncomfterable."

I laugh, "what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do today Charming?"

"Well, do you want to walk through town?.... If we are aloud..."

"Sure" she smiles.

A knock was heard on the door.

"Yes Sir Jackson?"

"Oh good your in here, I thought you ran away again-" Sir Jackson opens the door. "I'm sorry if I'm interupping anything, but I thought I'd let you know your parents are coming home to meet the future Queen."

"Ok Sir Jackson, thank you."

He shuts the door and Scarletts eyes are wide open, she's awake now.

"What?" I laugh.

"I'm going to meet the King and Queen," she shaking.

"Calm down, there really nice people."

She lays her head down on my chest.

"What if they don't like me?"

"What! They will love you! And if they don't than I'm running away with you!"

She laughs while smiling.

"See, as long as your with me. You will be just fine. Smile and they will love you" I kiss her head.

"We should get ready" she says.

We sit up, I request a maid to come up and get her ready while I walk to my room and get ready.

I knock on her door, the maid opens it and bows to me, I walk to Scarlett who looks so beautiful.

She wore a pink silk dress that didn't fluff out, it just hit the floor, it did hug her figure though, until her thighs than it just let go. It had spagetti straps and she wore black high heals. Her hair was straightend and put up. The crown sat on her head.

I hug her, "you look beautiful."

"Thank you" she smiles, "it's not really me but I'll wear it" I smile.

The maid leaves. A couple minutes later Sir Jackson comes in, "Prince Victor your parents have arrived. Princess Scarlett this is Prince Victor's parents, King Jerimiah and Queen Charlie" the doors wide open reveiling my parents.

They were super tanned, unless they were always like that. Mum had her usual black hair and dad had brown. Mum had bright green eyes and dad had brown. They walked in.

Mum held out her hand to Scarlett first.

"You must be the famous Scarlett Holland I can't stop hearing about" she says not in a nice tone but also not a rude tone either. Scarlett smiles and shakes mums hand.

"That would be me," she shakes both of my parents hands.

My father spoke up.

"How old are you dear?" his deep voice rumbled.

"I'm seventeen."

"Awful young, good..." mum spoke.

Mum looked really strick, her eyebrows were cut so thin and in a certain way she looked mean. Mum walks around her checking her out.

"She has a good body, good enough for our grandchilderen, she has musal, she could walk. She seems determaind. Thats a good charteristic for a Queen. Dear if I may ask, what blood type are you?"

"Enough mom," I speak up. "It's not about her body, I love her for who she is. I don't care about her body, so I would ask for you not to."

"Ok son, but it is important..." mom backs off.

"Not to me."

Scarlett kind of akwardly stood there. We will never be my parents. Ever.

"I'm sorry for interupting, but Dinner is ready" Sir Jackson opens the door and says than leaves.

My parents were the first to leave.

I look at Scarlett. "I'm really sorry, they do like to pick at people with the smallest of details."

"It's ok, I don't mind."

"They are selfish, if you can't take anymore just tell me... Ok?"

"Ok" she smiles.

We hold hands and gracefully walk out and into the dining room. A long wooden table sat in the middle of the room, thousands of chairs sat beside eachother at the table. As soon as we are done the staff eats, that's why there are so many chairs.

I sat down and Scarlett sat beside me.

We were having red wine and turkey dinner.

Scarlett took a sip of her wine. It was so awkward between us all now.

Great job Victor.

My parents ate there food as we did to. Scarlett whispers to me.

"Victor... I have to talk to you privately. As soon as possible, please?"

I speak up, "may we be exsused?"

"Go ahead Vic" dad says.

Scarlett and I stand up and leave the room, we walk out and close the door she stops and looks at me.

"Victor, I'm really sorry."

"What?" I ask, moving closer to her.

"I can't do this I'm really sorry," she removes my arm from her waist and runs to the door.

At first I watch her run down the hall a bit, confused to where she's going. Than I start running after her "SCARLETT!" I yell.

The door flies open and she runs out. Scarlett? I run after her and into the town, crowded streets. And Scarlett was nowhere to be found.


Scarlett? :(

I don't even know where I'm going with this...

I hope this isn't the end, seriously....


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