Chapter 4

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This pain I feel.
Feels like hevean.
But hurts so much.
Why do I crave pain?
I'm alone again.
Isolated in my room.
Nobody understands.
Nobody understands the pain.

[before the ball]

I'm alone in my room...

I feel like nobody loves me, nobody cares. That's my fear, I'll be left alone on this Earth. I feel completely and utterly alone.

"Everyone loves a Prince, especially a handsome one... Who cares if he doesn't love me.." that's what most girls think and it bugs me.

"Prince Victor, your fitter is here."

"Ok, let him in."

A tall lean man walks in, I stand on my little circular stage and hold my arms out. He starts to work.

I bet he won't tell me the truth. I'm completely alone in this world. Soon he was done. He scurries out.

"Sir Jackson, may I see a Fortune teller?"

"I will send one up Prince Victor."

Minutes later a table was set up in my room with a dark purple cloth ontop. a ball set in the middle with something holding it up.

I sit on one end of the table. Across from me was a elderly lady wearing clothes over her face.

"What made you request me Prince Victor?"

"I want to know if I will meet 'the one' tonight?"

"Let me see."

She looks through the crystal ball.

"Ahh I see-" 

"What do you see?"

"Tonight you'll meet a mysterious girl, long brown hair and a black dress. She will have grey-blue eyes and dark blue sneakers."

"Is that it?"

"She is our future Princess, but if you don't find her. It wasn't ment to be. She has character, don't mess it up Prince..."

I smile, "tha-"

"Your welcome, now is that all you wanted?"

"Yes thank you!"

She walks out with her cane. I've been having dreams of her at the ball.

But I don't know her name... I pace the room.

"Prince Victor the ball is ready as you requested. Would you like someone to take you down?" Sir Jackson came in.

"No thanks Sir Jackson."

I walk out the door and into the ballroom.

I try to blend in, I walk down the stairs where everyone else walks down. I ask a women in a bright pink dress if she would like to dance. She has so much makeup on, her face colour was waaaaaay different from her neck or hands.

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