Chapter 6

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I have found my forever.
My happiness.
My lover.
She is my everything.
She is so beautiful.
She is mine.
She is my Princess.

I get up out of my bed and get ready for school. I walk to school. The girls of the village whisper, saying that they are the true Princess but he doesn't know...

I roll my eyes, as if.

I'm the one who actually love's him for who he is. And not what he has. I walk into my class with my books.

"Ohhhhh my goshhhhh! He was sooo hot! He asked me for my name! His voice was just so uhhhh!" Emily says, I sit down beside her.

"Did you dance with Prince Charming last night Scar?"

"Ya I did..."

"Any gossip??? Like who the missing Princess is? Hasley thinks it's Magin..."

"It's me..."

Emily laughs "every girl is saying that, but really who do you think it is?"


"Stop, seriously..."

"I am being serious, it's me."

"Give me the truth or I'm un-friending you!"

"I am!"

"Go away from me loser!"

I stand up and shrug, I move and sit by myself in the corner of the room. Hasley walks in and sit's beside Emily. Than start's to point and laugh at me.


Finally dismisal bell goes off, I'm now the laughing stock of the school. Just that fast... I walk to the castle. I knock on the gigantic doors.

The elderly doorman opens the door, "ahh Scarlett, welcome home. I'll tell Prince Victor..."

I walk in and he closes the door behind me and walks up the stairs.

The loby is a gold and white, there's a huge chandaleir on the ceiling and the floor is marble checkered white and gold, the stairs are gold and there is two ways to the second floor. I was looking at the old black piano placed by the door. A single pink flower was placed on it.

I sit down on the bench of the piano, it started out with me just pressing a couple keys, then next thing I know I'm playing Fur Elise by Beethoven.

Victors footsteps were heard, I stop and turn around and see him waiting at the bottom stair.

I smile, "Victor."

He smiles, noticing I was playing the piano. "Come Scarlett, lets get you ready..." I follow him up the stairs holding his hand.

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