Cisco continues to hack into the cameras and suddenly the footage pops up on the screen. I see Barry use his whirlwind move, but Rothstein doesn't budge from his spot. Barry speeds up to him and starts punching him, but he blocks each punch. Rothstein punches Barry and I see his mask come on as he grows. He grabs Barry by his neck and I widen my eyes in fear and in worry. "Tori." Iris calls me and I turn to her and shake my head. "I can't. I don't have my suit. Plus I won't be able to make it there on my bike." I tell her. "And what is she gonna do when he gets there. The Boot didn't work on him and I don't think throwing tranqs are gonna work." Cisco says and I nod. "Alarm." Stein says and I look at him. "Believe me, we're all alarmed." Cisco tells him. "No, the alarm system. You tapped into the surveillance cameras, correct?" Stein asks him. "Correct." Cisco says and he does his little tech magic trying to set off the alarms. I look at the footage to see Rothstein slam Barry into a wall until the alarms go off. Barry phases out of the meta's grip and speeds away. "Professor Stein, you are a genius." Cisco says and I furrow my eyebrows with a smile as I look at Cisco.

"I believe that's already been well established." Stein says and I nod.

I dash out remembering my boyfriend got beaten up and I see him laying on the ground. "Cisco! Prep the bed!" I yell as I levitate Barry off the floor and head in with him. I lay him on the makeshift bed. "You guys should probably get going." Joe says as the monitor starts beeping Barry's heartbeat. The others leave, but I stay put in my spot as I pull Barry's mask down. "Tori." Joe calls me and I look up at him. "I'm staying put, Joe." I say and he nods and we watch Barry just waiting for him to wake up. It took a while, but he stirred making me look at him with wide eyes and he shoots up. "You're good, we got you." Joe says as I grab Barry's hand and he looks at me. "You're ok now, right?" I ask him and he nods. "Ok." I say and I smack his chest. "Pendejo! You could've gotten yourself killed! I can't believe you did that! And leaving your comm system--" I was cut off by Barry pulling me down to his level his lips finding mine. I pull away starting to feel a bit calm and I look into Barry's green eyes. "Never do that again." I tell him and he nods.

"Where is everyone?" Barry asks realizing that the others weren't there.

"I figured you wouldn't want an audience when you came to. Especially after that." Joe says and I blush in embarrassment.

Barry scoffs and thanks Joe and I shove my hands into my pockets. "Tori was right." Joe says and I widen my eyes looking at him. "I am?" I ask him rarely hearing that sentence since these past 6 months. "We're not gonna do this anymore. For the last six months, we've given you your space to work all this out, come back to us. But today proved that you'd rather just get yourself killed." Joe says and I look at Barry with a frown as he laughs. "It's better than getting my friends and my girlfriend killed." Barry says and I grab his hand again. "Barry, I've seen you out there be amazing as the Flash. Sure there are some things I can't do and neither can you, but we always manage to work it out. You want us to tell you that it wasn't your fault. We can't because it was." I say to him and look at Joe. "Guess what? You weren't the only person making decisions that day. All of the rest of us were there, too." Joe says to him and I nod. "Eddie and Ronnie... They chose to help you stop Wells, and stop that..." Joe fades away. "Singularity." Barry and I say together and Joe looks at me with a raised brow. "What? I'm dating a science geek. I'm bound to hear science words come out of his mouth other than "I love you." I say and Joe manages to stifle a small laugh. "It's on all of us, Barry. So stop with this hogging all the blame and regret. We gotta live with it." I tell him and I see a tear escape his eye. "Move on." Joe tells him as I feel Barry squeeze my hand. "What do I do now?" Barry asks him as he stares at the ceiling.

"Well, I know that you've been rebuilding Central City at night. That's just bricks and paint." Joe says as Barry lets go of my hand and wipes the tears.

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