Black and Red Box (Part 1)

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'I'm home!' Gabriel shouted. 

'Oh, how was your day sweetheart?' Mrs Agreste came out of the kitchen, 'And would you care to explain why are you soaking wet? I thought you had an umbrella!' 

'Well... That is a whole different story, mum.' Gabriel said, smiling, and Mrs Agreste rolled her eyes. 

'Go upstairs and get changed, please. Dinner is going to be ready soon. By the way, a letter arrived at your name.' Mrs Agreste told him. 

'Thanks, mum!' Gabriel shouted, as he ran upstairs. 

He quickly got changed, into a much more smarter and drier looking clothing. After he ran downstairs and rushed to the dining table. It was around 5:30. He barely got 30 minutes to finish his dinner and run back to the photo shoot. He also apparently got a letter from someone, and he needed to inform his family that he got the job too. So he had a bunch of jobs to do, they might seem easy or small jobs, but the reality was way much harder than you would ever think it would be. 

'So, son, how was School?' Mr Agreste asked as he started munching some baked potatoes. 

'It was alright, dad.' Gabriel replied while eating some of his salad off his plate. 

'Gab, did you get the job!?' Danielle shouted, as she also ran to the dining table. 

'Danielle, can you calm yourself down and stop running around?' Mrs Agreste told her off, as she was bringing the final plate of food and placing it on the table, 'Join us when you calmed down.' she added. 

'But, Gabriel, did you get it?' asked Daniel. 

'Actually, I did.' Gabriel smiled. 

Mrs Agreste clapped her hands together in relief, Mr Agreste smiled, and Danielle cheered by running and jumping around the dining room. 

'Thank god! I was hoping you did.' Mrs Agreste hugged him. 

'I'm just going to go upstairs and grab my bag, is that OK? I'll be right back.' he asked. The whole family nodded while they cheered on. 

Gabriel ran upstairs, and that is when he spotted a black and red, mini box laying on his bed. First, he was confused and didn't want to touch it, but his curiosity would have killed him if he didn't open that box.  A butterfly/moth shaped brooch appeared in his hands, and a purple, floating and moving magical creature also appeared next to the brooch. 

'Greetings! My name is Nooroo!' he smiled, and he floated around the super confused and shocked Gabriel. 

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