The dead walks at midnight

Start from the beginning

I then ran until I saw both Hannah and Zach.. They didn't see me cause I was right behind a very big bush only a few yards away from them.  I was to out of breath from all the running to run anymore or even talk at the moment.  I'm like a cheetah, I can run very fast, but not for very long. My legs where SO tired that I had both sprained legs and ankles! 

  Anyway... I looked and saw that Hannah's jacket was caught on a old statue.  I figured that maybe she screamed cause when her jacket got caught she might of thought it was one of Stine's monsters. 

"Wait, wait. Hold on.  It's okay. It's just a statue.  All right? You're fine. It's all right. All right? Just give me a sec. It's... It's caught on your jacket." Zach said to Hannah while getting her jacket free from the statue.

"My hero." Hannah said to Zach.

"There. You're free to go." Zach said to Hannah after finally getting her jacket free.

There faces where so close to each other and I... know that look they are giv..OK! IM not going to watch them KISS like some creepy stalker in the bushes!!

But because I was still to tired to move, I decided just to turn around and sit on the ground behind the bush and close my eyes.  

At that moment,they both begin to lean in for a kiss. The moon emerges from behind a cloud in the dark sky, and the moonlight shines on the two of them. Instead of the beautiful moment I was expecting, that was until I noticed a weird glow.even with my eyes close. I opened my eyes and I got up off of the ground and looked over the bush again to see what was going on. .... OMG..


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Hannah was glowing blue all over her body as the moonlight shines on them. She looked like a ghost with the outline of her body as a blue mist. "What?" "What is it?" Hannah asked Zach.

It surprised both Zach and I that Hannah was completely unaware of her blue form.

"Yeah" Zach lied to her so she wouldn't worry. 

Zach and I both realized that Hannah wasn't human; she was one of Stine's characters. She wasn't real! And she didn't even know it!

"You sure?" She asked him still worried..

Finally, the moon was covered by another cloud. Hannah slowly turned back to her normal self.

"Yeah.  Yeah, totally. I'm fi... But Zach was interrupted when a ghoul appeared from behind a grave, startling him

 Suddenly, more ghouls emerged from their hiding spots. One even  snuck up behind me and tried to attack me.

I ran out from behind the bush and towards Zach and Hannah

"Let's get the hell out of here" I yelled out as we ran.

As we ran for our lives we saw both Champ and Stine casually walking down the road, not knowing about the danger.

"Guys run!" Zach yelled as we kept running. 

"Ghouls. Go, go." Stine said as we all ran.

We all headed to the gates.... which were lockedwith a chain.... Crap! 

Zach opens it up for them to escape in the small gap. 

"Oh, they're getting closer!" Champ yelled.

We each made it threw the small gap in the gate.....except Stine a.k.a Mr. fat-ass.

"I'm stuck.  Go on without me. Save yourself." He told us.  Over dramatic much?

"Okay. Good luck." Champ said as he ran away.  OMG... that was.... FUNNY!

"No, I didn't mean it, Champion!" Stine yelled at him, VERY pissed.  STILL funny!

The rest of us managed to get Stine free.. And just in time to! 

"I'll kill him.  Where is that little imbecile? Wait for us, you coward!"Stine Yelled as we all ran towards the high school.

Goosebumps: Monsters Invade Madison {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now