At Hell's Gates

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Congratulations. You've just released a demon!" R.L. Stine scolded as we all ran down the stairs, thinking we could catch slappy. "A ventriloquist dummy with a serious Napoleonic complex!"

It took me second to realize that he was talking to Zach. And then one more second for Zach to get rightfully offended since Stine was the one who made these creatures.

"For the record, I opened one book." Zach reminded him. "And now I see that it was a mistake"

"The Snowman must've knocked Slappy's book down" Hannah said as we ran to the front door. "I still blame him." Stine said as he was jabbing a finger at Zach. "I don't like you boy"

Stine then try to be dramatic and storm out, but the door would not open, which ruined the moment." It's locked from the outside " We then suddenly heard something shimmied from the dark shadows. As we turned to see what made the noise, we saw multiple giant shadows on the wall behind us.

*If we survive all of this, I never want Stine to make another book... If we can. *

"Out the kitchen door!" Stine urged us. "Now!"

We ran straight into the kitchen, only to immediately stop at the entryway. The back door had a small doggy door at the bottom. And when it swung open, we noticed a little gnome.

  And when it swung open, we noticed a little gnome

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"Why is that here?" Champ asked Zach in a whisper. "I don't know" he replied being just as confused.

While I almost laughed. *All that suspense and panic... for one lawn gnome? *

Then the little ugly monsters began to pop out of everywhere. A few popped out of cabinets, some jumped out of the draws, and even two of them came out of the dish washer. And before we knew it, we were surrounded by a whole heard of them.

*Ok, they may out number us, but we still outsize them. I mean what's the worst little porcelain gnomes going to do? *

"Maybe they're friendly?" Zach said optimistically... before he was answered when a knife barley missing his head by a few inches and ended up stabbing the wall behind him.

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Goosebumps: Monsters Invade Madison {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now