A Sleepless Night

Depuis le début

"I fucking love this movie!" Faith exclaimed almost in hysterical tears.

John was suddenly in a fit of laughter remembering the first time he had watched it with her.


They were both in a small apartment in Moundsville,WV; it was a cool, summer night.  Faith had wanted to watch a movie with him for their anniversary.  She pulled out a disc that said
'Lets be Cops'; a comedy she was dying for John to watch!

They were at the part where the two 'cops' we're trying to get two sorority sisters to stop fighting. Apparently they were arguing about one sister trying to take the others boyfriend; so the two 'cops' read the sister and the boyfriend's messages to the other sister.

"Hey girl." The first 'cop' reads representing the boyfriend.

"Hey." The second 'cop' reads representing the sister.

"Whatcha doin'." said the boyfriends text.

"Eatin' soup, tryin' to lose some weight and stuff." said the sister's text.

"Girl, you ain't gotta lose shit cause you fine as wine." said the boyfriends text.

"Look DeAndrè, don't be textin' me again, okay, unless you wanna get those nuts up in my guts." said the sister's text.

After that, all four of them started fighting.  Faith and John laughed so hard.  All of a sudden Faith started coughing when she dropped some popcorn out of her hand; she was choking!  John pushed on her chest and the piece of popcorn came out of her air pipe.

"T-thanks." She said in a weak voice.

"Well, I don't want my girl leaving me, especially when I want a family with her." He said.

She blushed at his words, making her feel like for the first time, she was worth something to someone.  Although she wished she was choking on something other than popcorn. Hehe.

~ End of Flashback~

Faith laughed at the memory as John placed a kiss on her forehead and leaving the room.

"Goodnight beautiful, try to get some sleep.  I'll see you tomorrow." He said before leaving.

"No... Fucking... Strippers... or... Clubs!" Hailley said sternly towards him, giving him the death stare.

"I would never do that to her." He said sincerely.

"Love you, goodnight babe." Faith said.

"I love you to babe." John said.

When he left the room, Hailley grabbed her arm and walked to the living room.  Gracie was putting in the movie while Felicity and Ivory got out 12 boxes of Domino's pizza, 3 family-sized bags of Sour Patch Kids, 4 two-liter bottles of soda and 5 bags of different kinds of Doritos.  Christian Parker finally walked through the door from work.

"Hey girls! What movie are we watching?" He asked ready to get his pajamas on.

Faith smirked at him, making him worried about the movie they were about to watch.

"Faith, I swear to God, if Adam Sandler is in this movie I'm gonna break your T.V." He said as a warning.

Faith started laughing so hard.

"No, it's 'Lets be Cops', don't worry." She said reassuringly.

"Okay, good." He said walking to the other room to put on his pajamas.

Five minutes later, Christian came in ready to watch the amazing comedy.  Faith was already chowing down on the binge buffet.

"Whoa, Faith, slow down or you won't fit in you wedding dress girl." Hailley said surprised.

"Dude, never question a girls hormones, especially when their hungry!" Faith replied in a serious tone.

They started the movie and watched it until the very end.  Then, they all went to bed.  As they all went to bed, they hugged Faith and wished her a good night's rest.  She walked to her room, showered, then went to bed.  Something was bothering her though;
She got up and grabbed some whiskey from the cabinet, sitting at the table.  She stared at the crystal like liquid in the light.  She had never drank alcohol before, she was afraid she would become an alcoholic; but she needed to sleep.


She turned around to see Christian rubbing his weary eyes making sure it was her.

"What's wrong? Why do you have a bottle of whiskey?" He asked in concern.

"I can't sleep, I'm worried, but I don't know why." She said wearily.

"Is your insomnia coming back?" He asked a little worried now.

"I don't know for sure, I think it's just wedding jitters." She replied.

"Well, okay, but whiskey won't help." He said pointing out the venomous liquid. She put the whiskey back in the cabinet where hopefully no one would find it; then hugged him before heading back to bed.  Christian wanted to make sure John was not at a club, because he knows how much that would hurt Faith, so he grabbed her phone from the table and texted John.

"Hey babe, I just wanted to check on you. Where are you?" He typed before sending.

It was not even a half a minute later and he opened his text.

"Hey sexy, I'm just at Taylor's apartment playing cards and chatting.  Hbu?" It said.

"Just got done watching 'Lets be Cops' now I'm trying to sleep." He typed.

"Well, try to sleep babe, I gtg the guys are mad because I'm taking too long to take my turn. Love you." It said almost immediately.

Christian felt skeptical, but he shrugged it off and went to bed.

A/N: So.... What do you think so far guys.??. Anyways if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them.... Lights... Camera.... ACTION!!!

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