Chapter 5: Realization

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You woke up slowly and blinked your eyes to rid yourself of the grogginess you felt, you looked down at your chest and almost fell back in surprise before remembering the events of last night, Ruby was still nestled into your chest and had managed to intertwine her legs with yours at some point during the night. Part of you wanted to keep laying like this, to enjoy the feeling of her body pressed against yours, the warmth that she provided, but the quiet mumbling of the rest of the team waking up made you reconsider rather hastily. You untangled yourself from Ruby as quickly as you could while still taking care not to wake her, you jumped down from the top bunk, landing on your feet, and stretched your body out. You walked into the kitchen area and turned the coffee maker on, the aroma of coffee beans brewing quickly filled the air, slowly rousing the girls from their half asleep state.

"So girls, we're free for today, what should we do?" you asked while pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you would have offered to make coffee for the girls too, but Blake preferred tea, Weiss was far too picky about how her coffee had to be made, Ruby wasn't a big fan of coffee although she drank a copious amount of milk, she thought it would make her grow quicker, and you didn't have the heart to tell her that it didn't quite work like that. As for Yang, the first time you made her a cup of coffee she said something about you being 'such a gentleman' before trying to drag you into her bed, you weren't keen on that happening again.

"I've got an idea!" Shouted Yang, pulling you out of your daydreaming, she didn't give anybody time to ask questions before she continued "So (y/n's) been on our team for a while right? But we've never seen him fight, sure he punched Cardin, but that doesn't count. I say we all head to one of the training rooms so we can finally see (y/n's) semblance!" You couldn't blame her for being curious and looking around the room at the rest of the girls who had fully woken up after Yang's sudden outburst, you could see the curiosity in their eyes too. After all, the four of you would be working together for the next four years, and you'd made a point to use some of your old connections to gather intel on them once you'd joined the team, so you knew about their fighting styles and semblances, you decided it was only fair for them to find out about yours in return. Besides, it would be fun.

"Fine, I don't see the harm in that" you said, slowly drinking your coffee. "I'll even give you four a chance by taking you all on at once" you added, a smug grin on your face. Your taunting had the intended effect, the girls all looking at you with a mixture of annoyance and excitement.

"Confident" purred Yang "I like that in a man."

"I suppose we'll soon find out whether or not you have the means to back up such a bold claim soon enough" scoffed Weiss trying to sound annoyed, but you could see the corners of her mouth turning upwards in a small smile.

Even Blake, who usually stayed out of arguments or bets like this was getting into it. "Time to wipe that smug grin off your face" she said.

Ruby ran up to you before dramatically thrusting a finger towards you. "We're gonna kick your butt (y/n) I hope you're ready!" She shouted, eyes full of determination. It would have been more intimidating if she didn't have to look up so far to meet your gaze, since you stood a head and a half taller than her.

"I'm sure you will kiddo" you said, while dropping a hand onto the top of Ruby's head and messing her hair up, she responded by pouting at you, and stomping off to get ready. "Now let's hurry up and get moving" you said, while picking up Rose and Thorn, and sliding into your combat gear.

-Time skip-

You were standing in one the Beacon's combat training rooms, opposite a very confident looking Team RWBY, you'd told them that since they all seemed so interested in your semblance, that the only things you were going to use to fight them would be your hand to hand fighting skills, coupled with your semblance. "So girls, are you ready?" you asked, standing straight with your hands in your pockets. They all nodded, you smiled as you activated your semblance, your (e/c) eyes turning black, shadows seemed to rise from your skin, faster and faster until you were surrounded by a whirling frenzy of darkness, which would occasionally lash out in random directions. "Then let's begin" your normally deep voice was replaced by a faint rasp that seemed to come from every direction at once, you watched as the girls all took a cautionary step back, eyes wide. Not that you blamed them, you certainly looked monstrous at the moment.

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