Chapter 4: A New Feeling

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(A/N- I'm really enjoying writing this story, and I hope you guys are enjoying reading it. As always any comments, or criticism is most certainly welcome.)

It had been a week since you had completed your initiation and joined Team RWBY and things were going well, living with the girls was definitely interesting, like when you came back to the dorm late one evening after a workout and found that the beds had been jury rigged into makeshift bunk-beds, it was honestly pretty impressive how quickly they manged to do it. You'd voiced your concerns about how unstable they looked, but so far they hadn't collapsed, so you stopped complaining.

You were currently sitting in another one of Professor Port's classes, once again he had completely forgotten about what he was supposed to be teaching and slipped into another one of his stories about his youth, you found them entertaining at first, but they quickly grew monotonous, thankfully class had finally ended, and you were all free to leave and go and get lunch. You made your way to the lunch hall with the rest of the team, making small talk with Blake about a book the two of you had both read. You finally reached the lunch hall, quickly spotting Team JNPR, they lived in the dorm opposite to yours and so you found yourself spending a lot of time with both your team, as well as them. You sat down across from Team JNPR and began to eat. You heard somebody cry out in pain and turned around to see Cardin Winchester pulling on the ears of Velvet Scarlatina, a rabbit Faunus who was in a few of your classes, while the rest of his team watched and laughed. This wasn't the first time that Team CRDL had bullied a Faunus student, and it was starting to make you angry, you'd met plenty of Faunus who were kind, caring and decent people, just like you'd known just as many Humans who were complete scum.

"Okay, I've had enough of this" you said to nobody in particular, while standing up from the table. "I'm going to go over there and put a stop to this." You made your way over to Cardin and his goons, putting yourself between them and Velvet. "I'm going to give you guys one chance to apologise to her and walk away."

"And why the hell should I apologise to this freak?!" Cardin shouted "you're even more of a freak than she is, since you're going out of your way to protect a Faunus." You sighed, and ran a hand through your (h/c) hair, before snapping a punch into his jaw, Cardin wasn't expecting it so he stumbled back, hands moving to the injured part of his body, you used this as an opportunity to move behind him, before kicking him in the back of his knee, he buckled before falling down onto one knee. His teammates started to move towards you, but stopped when they saw the look on your face, it wasn't because you looked angry, it was quite the opposite, they were afraid of how calm you looked, as if hurting other people was nothing new to you, and so they backed off. Next, you kicked the knee that was still keeping him upright, and as he dropped onto his hands and knees, you placed your foot on the back of his head, pushing it to the floor.

"Apologise to her" you said, your voice had taken on a much colder, more forceful tone than usual. After a few seconds of silence, you applied more pressure, before repeating yourself much more forcefully than before. "I said apologise" you heard Cardin mumble something unintelligible. "What was that?" you asked, cupping a hand to your ear "you have to speak up".

"I said I'm sorry!" shouted Cardin, you could hear in his voice that he was holding back tears, no doubt from being humiliated in front of so many people, including his team, you smiled, before putting your foot down even harder, earning a groan of pain from Cardin.

"And what are you sorry for, Cardin?" you asked "just so everybody knows". You were going to make him feel every ounce of pain and humiliation that he had put Velvet through.

"I'm sorry for bullying you, and calling you a freak." The anger that his voice held only moments ago had disappeared. You could tell he just wanted to get out of this situation. And you were going to put him out of his misery soon enough, but just to get the point across, you asked him one more question.

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