Chapter 2 :A New Life

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(A/N) The picture above it what your gun looks like.

You stepped off the Bullhead which had just arrived at Beacon, stretching your arms to relieve the stiffness in your joints, it had been a fairly long flight and you were eager to get your feet back on solid ground. Ozpin hadn't told you where to go once you'd arrived and so you decided to just follow the crowd for now, taking a second to look around and study your surroundings you couldn't help but be impressed at the variety of weapons the other students were carrying, you saw swords, spears, guns and all manner of less conventional looking weaponry. Smiling, you pulled your revolver, Rose from it's holster, most of the metal on the gun was black, apart from the handle which was a bright (f/c), the most interesting feature however, was the chamber, instead of a conventional chamber Rose was equipped with a modified dust cylinder, which could change the elemental properties of the gun between fire, ice and lightning by spinning the chamber. You and Rose had been through a lot, you always felt more secure knowing that it was  at your hip.

As you were about to holster Rose, you caught sight of somebody running towards you in your peripheral vision, quickly stepping to the side you grabbed hold of the red hood they were wearing, pulling them back before their momentum caused them to trip, they gave out a startled yelp after suddenly changing direction so quickly. They quickly spun around to face you, and you finally got a good look at them. In front of you was a girl with black hair which had red streaks, her skin was fair and smooth and her silver eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, she had to tilt her head up to actually look you in the eyes, since you were quite a lot taller than her. Just as you were about to open your mouth to ask if she was alright, she suddenly launched into a speech "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I'm so sorry I just saw your gun and it looked really cool and I wanted to come and take a closer look but I was going too fast and nearly knocked you over" you were taken aback at how many words she had said without stopping for a breath. She was about to continue her rant when a blonde haired girl with lilac eyes suddenly walked up behind her and pulled her back by the hood. The black haired girl once again letting out a surprised noise.

The blonde, one hand still holding onto the smaller girls hood smiled at you. "Sorry about my sister, she means well but can be a little... Excitable" she wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulder.

"I said I was sorry" mumbled the smaller sister, before she broke out into a grin, her eyes once again focused on your own, "My name is Ruby! And this is my sister Yang!" pointing first to herself and then to the blonde haired girl standing next to her. You couldn't help but chuckle, her seemingly boundless energy coupled with the smile that seemed to be permanently on her  face reminded you of a puppy.

"No need to apologise to me" you said, "neither of us got hurt, and it's not like your intentions were malicious, if you wanted to take a look at my weapon, then feel free" you added, before holding Rose out for her to take a look. You didn't think it was possible for her eyes to grow any larger, part of you was worried that they might actually burst out of the sockets as she slowly ran her finger along the smooth metal, before her eyes found the dust cylinder.

"Ohmygosh! Is this a dust cylinder?" Ruby exclaimed, that trademark grin seeming to grow in size. "Aren't these like, super hard to get?!"Those silver eyes were almost shining, you couldn't help but smile, most people dismissed Rose as being too plain, but this girl was genuinely impressed.

"Indeed they are" you replied, the small smile still playing across your face, "but I have my sources" you winked as you added that last part. Ruby was about to retort, but yang walked up to her, grabbing her hand.

"C'mon Rubes" she said, while pulling her towards the main building "if we don't hurry we're gonna miss Ozpin's speech" since you were all obviously going to the same place, you asked if you could tag along with them, since you three had gotten to know each other. "Sure thing!" yang said, a grin on her face, then she added, her voice taking on a sultry tone "maybe we could get to know each other better once we've got our dorm rooms." You raised an eyebrow, she was certainly direct in her intentions, but that was something you respected.

"Yang! Ew!" Ruby yelling, hitting her older sister on the shoulder "we've only just met him"

"Speaking of 'him', how about you call me by my name, I'm (f/n) (l/n), but just (f/n) will do fine" you performed an over dramatic bow, earning giggles from both Ruby and Yang. "Now, how about we go and hear Ozpin's speech?" The three of you walking into the building together.

You entered the amphitheatre and saw Ozpin standing in front of the new students, he cleared his throat before starting his speech "I'll...keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose - direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Some students clapped, while you heard murmurs from others about how it was rather melancholic for an acceptance speech, Ozpin also mentioned that you would all be sleeping in the dining hall for tonight, before taking a test tomorrow which would decide who was on which team, dorm rooms would then be given to the teams.

You were currently in the dining hall with the rest of the new students, Ruby and Yang were currently talking to a girl with white hair, who you recognised as Weiss Schnee, Weiss appeared to be berating Ruby for offending her in some way or another, sitting a little way away from them was a girl with black hair, who also wore a black bow, she was trying to read a book, and from the expression on her face you could tell she was getting annoyed at the noise. After finally calming down the snow queen, Ruby spotted you from across the room and walked over, before sitting down next to you. Those silver eyes of hers once again staring into your (e/c) ones. "So (y/n) are you excited for tomorrow?" she inquired, that smile still seemingly plastered onto her features. It proved to be infectious as you soon found a small smile sneaking onto your face.

You chuckled. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't" you gazed out the window next to you "fighting is the one thing i'm good at, so it will be nice to get out there and get rid of some Grimm"

Ruby grinned at you, "Yeah!" She agreed, "me and Crescent Rose can't wait to kick some Grimm butt!"

"Crescent Rose?" you asked, an eyebrow raised slightly, Ruby simply pulled out a piece of red metal, from her waist, it suddenly extended, revealed it to be a scythe, you noticed that it also had a trigger and a barrel, and assumed that it could transform into a rifle of some kind.

"This is my Crescent Rose!" Ruby beamed, looking at her scythe much like you look at your revolver. Suddenly you laughed, Ruby looked at you for a moment before you decided to clarify.

"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at your weapon" you said, hand raised above your head. "I just think it's a funny coincidence, that my revolver is called Rose, and your Scythe is called Crescent Rose." Ruby was quiet for a moment, before she laughed too.

"I guess great minds think alike, huh (y/n)" she said.

"Yeah, I guess they do" you chuckled, before adding "we'd better get some sleep before the big day tomorrow, goodnight Rubes." Ruby stood up from your side, and started to make her way back to where Yang, Weiss and the book reading girl from earlier.

"Yeah, goodnight (y/n)" she said, a smile on her face, before trotting back over to her sister and getting into her sleeping bag. You smiled to yourself, your first day went a lot better than you thought it would, and it looked like you'd made some friends in Ruby and Yang, you then stretched your arms out, before sliding into your own sleeping back and closing your eyes.

"Hopefully tomorrow will be just as much fun as today was" you thought to yourself, before slowly falling asleep.

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