Chapter 1: A New Job

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(A/N This is my first time trying to write any kind of fanfiction, so this will probably suck, but any constructive criticism is welcome)

You put the binoculars back down, a small smile sneaking onto your face, you only counted 8 people total, 5 guards watching over the outside of the camp, as well as your target and what seemed to be his two personal bodyguards. It was almost insulting how easy this job would be. The tree whose branches you were currently laying on to get a good view of the area, provided enough cover that you wouldn't have to worry about being seen as you checked over the intel your employer had provided you with one more time, you took out your scroll which projected a small hologram of your target his name was Jet Kain, a lieutenant of the White Fang. Jet was known to be a particularly vicious member, plenty of his subordinates suffered at the mercy of his temper, some had even been killed if he were in a particularly bad mood. Not that you particularly cared, but somebody had enough money, and hatred, to hire you to eliminate him.

You shifted position, so that you were now crouching and adjusted the (f/c) bandanna that you wore to obscure your face, your (e/c) eyes focused on the camp in front of you. You wore a black jacket with a (f/c) trim around the edges and a hood which obscured most of the top half of your face and black jeans, as well as a pair of black combat boots, on a mission like this, you wanted to blend into the darkness as much as possible. On your left hip was a holster, which held your revolver, which you called Rose. Your dagger, Thorn was concealed in a specially made holster within the right sleeve of your jacket, a flick of your wrist would unlock the mechanism that held it in place and allow it to fall into your hand. You were fairly confident that your semblance alone, as well as your hand to hand combat skills would be more than adequate, but the presence of your weapons still put your mind at ease, just in case there were any complications.

A lone guard on patrol happened to be about to pass under the tree you were in, and so you decided that now was the perfect time to start your attack. You waited for the man to pass underneath and silently dropped behind him, quickly putting him in a sleeper hold, your right arm applying pressure to his throat, while your left hand pushed the back of his head forward, creating more pressure. He wasn't expecting it, so there were no sounds of struggle, 10 seconds later and the guard was unconscious. You pulled his body behind the tree so that he couldn't be seen from the camp, you knew all Faunus had night vision, so you didn't want to take any chances. Only 6 guards now stood between you and your target.

The remaining four outside guards were sitting around a campfire, you sighed and ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, it didn't look as if any of them were going to separate from the group any time soon, and you really didn't want to spend more time here than was necessary. And so you stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the fire, as soon as you did, the guards jumped up three of them reaching for the swords that sat at their waists, while the fourth pulled out a rifle and aimed it at you. "Don't move!" Shouted the guard with the rifle, the barrel still aimed at your head. "Who are you? And what are you here for?" he continued, as the three sword wielding guards started moving closer. "My name is (f/n) (l/n) and I'm here for Jet, put down those weapons and walk away, I prefer to not kill people unless i'm getting paid for it" you replied, staring directly at the Faunus who was talking to you. You weren't lying, not that you didn't want to kill them out of pity, or some kind of moral code, the only reason you would let them live, is that a contract might be put out on them in the future.  The Faunus growled, you could tell that he was angered by your lack of fear, but more than that, you could tell he was angry at being spoken to with such a lack of respect by a Human. "And why should we listen to a Human? Boys, let's show this scum how to respect the White Fang".  The trigger to the rifle was pulled, the bullet seemed to travel in slow motion towards your head in slow motion but just before it hit you, a hand made of shadows reached up and snatched the bullet from the air, before dropping it harmlessly on the ground.

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