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Leader: Cedarstar- Orange-ginger she-cat with dark brown paws and ears, white belly and tipped tail, and bright green eyes.

Deputy: Bluetail- White pelt, blue paws and tails, and turquoise eyes

Warriors: Silvermoon- Wolfish, black ears, paws, around eye, and tail with electric blue eyes

Birchwood- White pelt, black stripes, bob tail, blue eyes

(Other not mentioned)

Copyright rules apply!

Chapter 1 (Cedarstar)

I creep around the corner, paws skidding the thin dirt around me. Rustling in the bushes makes me jump, and I turn to see Mapletail padding toward me. "What are you doing?" He asks suspiciously. Sweat trickles down my face, and I wave my tail nervously. "N-nothing. Just checking the borders. I- uh... need to deliver a message to CaveClan. Stay here and watch TreeClan, will you?" Mapletail narrows his eyes. "I'm coming with you. CaveClan of all clans has a dog who patrols the borders, I'm not letting you go alone." My heart beats and I shift my glance to a poky stick by my tree. "Uh... it's ok! I have a stick to protect me. As they always say, throw a stick and the dog will go after it!...?" Ok that was sad. But strangely, Mapletail takes it and shrugs, walking off. I sigh with relief and sprint through the vines.

Creeping through the forest, I hear muffled voices nearing me. I press my back against an oak tree and listen closely. "Where is she? She's never late..." That's Bluetail, my deputy in MistClan. She sounds annoyed, making me regret spending too much time at TreeClan. "I know! I really need to ask her about dawn patrol. I wanna be on it!" That's Silvermoon's voice there. When nothing follows, I let out a sigh of relief and walk from behind the tree. When I'm spotted by Bluetail, she dashes toward me. "Finally! What took you so long?" "Had some business to attend to at TreeClan. You do know I run two clans, right?" Bluetail rolls her eyes. "That's great. Anyway, we wanted to know about dawn patrol. Silvermoon has been bugging me ALL day!" I snicker. "Well, you've obviously been patrolling around while waiting for me; I think we can pass on it today."

"We best get back to territory. It's getting dark." They nod and we head back. When nightfall reaches us, I find my cove next to the lake and rest my head on some moss. Suddenly I get an unfamiliar scent from outside and creep quietly out of my den. A bushy orange and white tipped tail disappears from behind the bushes. I prick my ears, heart racing. Foxes! I creep after it, but soon it disappears completely behind the brush. I narrow my eyes and head back to camp. By the time I get back, dawn has arrived, and Birchwood is already up. "What were you doing?" I groan. "Enough with the suspicion for once! I just thought I saw something. That's all." Birchwood nods and walks off. I sigh and head back to my den. I really hope that what I saw wasn't actually there for once.

A blinding light wakes me. I yawn and stretch, the morning sun seeping into the cove. I hear a twig snap somewhere in my den and I stare at where it came from. A bundle of orange fur is in a heap in the corner. I yelp in surprise, but then flick my tail over my mouth to keep myself from not waking anyone. Padding over to the heap, I poke it with my paw. It jumps and reveals itself as a fox. I narrow my eyes. "I knew it!" I hiss. It tilts its head at me. Suddenly I recognize it as Swift- the fox who raised me when I was a kit. "Swift?! What are you doing here?!" He looks around. "Quiet down! You'll wake your cla-" Suddenly Bluetail peeks her head into the cove. She gasps when she sees Swift. "A fox?! I'll get him out!" She jumps at him and Swift pushes her away with his forepaw. "Don't. Seriously." He says. I laugh and look at Bluetail. "Bluetail, this is Swift. As a kit, I grew up with him and some other foxes." Bluetail's jaw drops. "You weren't... clan born?" My heart beats. "Well... eh..." The thought of letting my secret go would be unbearable, but, they are my clan. Swift looks at me. "I just dropped by to hunt, didn't know you were here. You should totally tell your clan about your life, though. It's so interesting!" I roll my eyes. "Oh, please. It really isn't. But... fine."

With MistClan gathered around, I start my story. "I was born to LiveOak and Scourge, many moons ago." Silvermoon gasps. "Your father was Scourge?!" I nod and continue. "One night, in my den in the ally way, I watched as my two cruel brothers killed my mother. I was chased out of my home, and picked up by a fox, mistaken for a fox cub. They accepted me into their 'tribe' and I pretty much became a fox. One day, I decided to get revenge on my brothers. I brought the fox tribe with me and we murdered my brothers as revenge. It was then that I knew I should leave to be with my own kind. I found TreeClan, and they accepted me. A couple moons later, as I was getting accepted as deputy, my leader was killed. So yeah. That's about it." I look around and notice that Swift has left, which is strange, but I decide to shrug it off. Dusk is arriving, and I drop my head in exhaustion. "What are you tired about?" Birchwood asks. "All this two- clan business is really wearing me out." I yawn and flick my tail, signaling dismissal. Everyone heads to their dens again to socialize, but I linger. I step to the stream and stare into the water. 

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