Chapter 11 - Going Rogue

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"Mrow?" Spook is wary of this new smell in his house and lets me know by showing off his butthole as he turns his back on me.

"Hey buddy." I coo back while hefting my cargo onto the couch. "You're going to stay with uncle Christian for a while."

Spook and Christian go way back. Sometimes I wonder if it's me Christian really misses, or Spook.

It takes less then a minute to down a few of the blood packs in my fridge. That should keep me full for at least two days. I figure, I can worry about feeding later. First things first, I need to get us both off Gavriel's radar.

Spook hates his carrier, and he's protesting loudly from inside the metal cage I have to put him for transportation. With Gideon back up on my shoulder and a final glance at the home I'm now leaving behind, I lock the door and run through the streets to Christian's bar.

Shit, there's a concert tonight.

Question: Who the hell goes to a concert at four AM on a Monday morning?

Answer: Punkers.

I have to wade through the sea of bodies, all so focused on their calls for anarchy and their terrible frantic dancing, that they barely notice the seventeen-year-old chick carrying a young college student and a cat. For people who claim to want to buck the system and fuck up society, they're surprisingly focused on themselves.

Christian is singing his heart out on stage in a ripped black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He's flying all over the stage, 'living the lyrics' as he calls it, while his band mates (all vampires) hack at their instruments. The music is so loud that I can hear the metal fillings in human mouths vibrating as the crowd jumps and thrashes along to the antiestablishment rhetoric. Christian is dripping from the water he is throwing on himself to hide the fact that he doesn't sweat, his face glistening under the orange and blue lights.

How does he look even hotter when he's up on stage?!

I'm not alone in my opinion, I actually have to elbow my way through the crowd of both female admirers (both human and vampire) lining the front of the stage all of them worshipping at his feet. Christian is of course reveling in the attention, that is, until he notices me with a man slung over my shoulder and a yowling cat in tow.

When our eyes meet, Christian is momentarily distracted as he processes what he's looking at. I flash him a grim smile and almost immediately he straightens up and whispers something to Marcus, one of his band mates. Marcus looks our way and then finds an excuse to wander off stage allowing Christian to go back to his legions of eye-fucking fans. A couple of the vamp girls look at me with disgust in their eyes before turning back to their God on stage. Christian is still singing of course, but now his eyes are zeroed in on what's going on with us.

Marcus appears out of the throngs of bodies and motions for me to follow, which I do because Spook is starting to yowl louder than the amps on stage. Quickly we duck through the beaten and tagged door to the left of the stage, where Christian's office is located.

"Wait here." Marcus mutters, clearly perturbed by the disturbance I've caused.

Gideon is awake and struggling to get off my shoulder and I oblige by dumping him on the grubby orange couch against the wall. I set Spook on Christian's desk and take a seat in a chair. Years ago this room was used as a speakeasy when America had its failed experiment with prohibition. Now its Christian's den of depravity where I'm sure more than one groupie has fallen prey to that couch and Christian's rough blue eyes.

Who am I kidding? I have too.

"Where the hell are we?" Gideon asks, looking around in disgust as the music continues to pump through the wall.

"We're here to see a vamp about disappearing." I tell him. "Christian has connections that can help us...I hope."

"You hope?!" Gideon scoffs.

"You're acting very ungrateful for someone whose life has been spared."

"Oh, you're right," he retorts with a frown, "I should thank you for sparing my life and taking me to a filthy bar full of bloodthirsty vampires. This is far better. Thank you."

"That attitude isn't helping anyone." I snap back. "This is the best I can do on short notice."

With that the music ends and we're both left staring each other down in silence.

"Mrow?" Spook is worrying and I open his cage to let him worm his way around the room.

The door next to the couch bursts open and Christian charges into the room, his eyes on fire.

"What. The. Fuck?!" He storms in heading straight for me after slamming the door on the groupies who were hoping to be his next victim.

"Just calm down." I warn him, standing up to retreat ever so slightly.

I rarely ever see Christian this incensed, because it's not something I like to be around. His eyes have darkened to the color of slate and they dart over Gideon who is cowering on the couch and then back to me.

"What are you doing here with this human?" Christian's voice is dangerously low and I can't help but notice how sexy he looks when his eyes are burrowing into mine.

"I'm- we're in trouble." I tell him trying to fight against the pull of his glare. "We need your help."

"What do you mean you're in trouble?" Christian's voice changes from irate to worried and he's now searching my face for answers.

"This is my mark, Gideon." I answer, pointing towards our frightened guest. "And we both need to disappear for a while."

Author's Note

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story Dark Angel!! I know you have a lot of great works on Wattpad to choose from and it means the world to me that you're here.

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